
Showing 526-550 of 727
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-09 The Co-opetition between Russia and China in Central Asia: The Perspective of the Three-Party Energy Cooperation HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(450)
2019-12 東歐非共化30年:現實與前瞻 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference pdf(212)
2019-11 俄美於敘利亞的競合:危機或轉機 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(366)
2019-01 俄蒙中關係的新面向:政經分離下的競合態勢 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(341)
2018-06 脫美入亞的可能性─日本參與「一帶一路」倡議是契機? HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(292)
2019-11 普京時期俄朝關係之發展 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(330)
2015-09 雅爾達會議中的強權博弈:蘇聯因素的詮釋性解析 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference
2018-01 蒙古新領導人為蒙俄關係發展注入新動力 HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(352)
2019-06 中俄競合與東亞權力變化 – 兼論印度之角色和其態度 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference web page(482)
2014-03 由近期歐盟與烏克蘭整合爭議觀歐盟對烏克蘭的共同對外政策 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference web page(567)
2014-03 後冷戰時期烏克蘭經濟發展之機運與困境 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference pdf(212)
2014-12 烏克蘭與歐盟之經貿發展及其效應 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference
2019-11 從歐洲整合經驗簡析東亞區域經濟整合現況與前景 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference web page(427)
2014-11 歐盟與俄羅斯競合關係之考驗:烏克蘭爭議 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference web page(603)
2019-04 歐盟整合之未來 – 當前歐盟經濟情況與歐俄互動的面向 MEI-LAN HUNG、Hung, Mei-Lan conference pdf(246)
2018-07 Christian Activism in Hong Kong and Opposition to State- Sponsored Nationalism and United Front Work YUN WANG、YUN WANG conference web page(457)
2019-07 Christian Activists in Hong Kong and their Opposition to State-Sponsored Nationalism YUN WANG、YUN WANG conference web page(460)
2019-02 Mapping Religious Red, Gray and Black Markets: The Making and Transformation of Opportunists, Advocates, and Protesters in China YUN WANG、YUN WANG conference web page(292)
2019-07 When United Front Targets are `Not United`: The Makings and Transformations of Religious Activism in Hong Kong YUN WANG、YUN WANG conference web page(503)
2019-12 Contemporary Russo-Indian Relations: A Russian Perspective SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang conference web page(417)
2019-12 China`s relational power in Europe and Asia under the Belt and Road Initiative: A comparative Study CHO-HSIN SU、CHO-HSIN SU conference web page(392)
2019-01 Silk Road Economic Belt and Its Implications for the Eurasian Region CHO-HSIN SU、CHO-HSIN SU conference web page(292)
2017-10 從法國看選後歐盟新局 CHO-HSIN SU、CHO-HSIN SU conference pdf(182)
2019-06 Russo-Vietnamese Relationship in Putin Era: Opportunities and Challenges HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(435)
2015-06 Sino-Russian Military Cooperation and Security Implications in East Asia HONG-YI LIENHONG-YI LIEN conference web page(377)