
Showing 51-75 of 281
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-06 Taiwan FTA and Environmental Protection WEN-CHEN SHIH conference
1998-08 Testing for PPP in a Panel of Industrial Countries Allowing for Coss-Sectional Dependence BIING-SHEN KUO conference
1998-06 Testing for PPP in Panel of Industrial Countries Allowing for Cross-Sectional Dependence BIING-SHEN KUO conference
1995-08 Testing for the Null of Stationarity Based on the Error Component Represeatation BIING-SHEN KUO conference
2004 The Effects of Corporate Factors on Service Quality TD Chang、JYH-SHEN CHIOU、S. Chen conference
2007-05 The Determinants of Willingness to Pay for Performing Arts Activity Tsung-Chi Cheng、WEI-JEN WEN conference
2001 The Effectiveness of Different Advertising Message Appeals:An Analysis of Taiwanese TV Commercials JYH-SHEN CHIOU conference
2003-07 The Nonlinear Dynamics in Minute-by-Minute Stock Index Basis SHWU-JANE SHIEH conference
2002 The Path to Superior Service Quality: The Role of Corporate Culture JYH-SHEN CHIOU、Chang Tung-Zong、Su-Jane Chen conference
1998-04 The Size Effect in the Japanese Stock Market: A Nonlinear Perspective WEIYU KUO conference
1999-04 Valuation of Cross-Currency Two-Way Equity Swaps with Stochastic Interest Rates LEN-KUO HU conference
2005-07 Value-at-Risk for Futures Returns: Evidence from the MSCI Taiwan Index futures markets SHWU-JANE SHIEH、Shang-Ming Liu conference
2006-04 Volatility Comovement: A Fractional Cointegration Analysis SHWU-JANE SHIEH、Shang-Ming Liu conference
1999 When You Don`t Know Whether You Are Satisfied with the Product or not JYH-SHEN CHIOU conference
2007-06 WTO and China`s Capital Market Development YEE-TIEN FU conference
2003-11 WTO新回合探判對兩岸經濟的可能影響 KUN-MING CHEN、周濟、郭迺鋒 conference
1992-09 公平交易法與鋼鐵業之研究 KUN-MING CHEN conference
2001-12 中國大陸電子商務發展之探討 MENG-CHIA TSAI conference
1999-12 反傾銷與股價:台灣鋼鐵產業個案研究 KUN-MING CHEN、陳財家 conference
2001-12 反傾銷與策略性貿易行為:SRAM個案研究 KUN-MING CHEN、陳財家 conference
2005-01 台灣電影的美麗與哀愁—產業分析與生存策略 WEI-JEN WENCHIEN-WEI CHEN、游士賢 conference
2006-01 台灣製造業之中小企業市場占有率分析—分量迴歸之應用 TSUNG-CHI CHENGWEI-JEN WEN、林芳如 conference
2006-12 永續台灣:制度量能的提昇與建構研究—國際貿易政策之永續性制度(I) WEN-CHEN SHIH conference
2003-03 由「未預見之發展」要件論WTO防衛協定面臨之兩難 GUANG-HWA YANG conference
1998-12 企業行銷歐盟市場之產品責任策略研究 MENG-CHIA TSAI conference