
Showing 176-200 of 281
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2006-09 從日韓貿易興革論台灣貿易業之經營創新 MENG-CHIA TSAI conference
2006-07 The Exploration of the US-Taiwan Free Trade Agreement MENG-CHIA TSAI conference
2006-04 中國入世後產業變遷與就業調整 MENG-CHIA TSAI conference
2006-03 我國推動貿易便捷化與相關問題之探討 MENG-CHIA TSAI conference
2006-03 WTO貿易便捷化與相關問題之探討 MENG-CHIA TSAI conference web page(110)
2005-11 Will the Negotitation on Trade Succeed in the WTO Doha Round? MENG-CHIA TSAI conference
1998 Bayesian Learning in Dynamic Large Games SHWU-JANE SHIEH conference
2008-06 The Scope of Business Groups: A Penrosian Analysis DANCHI TAN conference
2007-08 Resources and Institutions Driving Growth Patterns of Business Groups DANCHI TAN conference
2004 International entry under uncertainty and institutoional forces: an empirical study DANCHI TAN conference
2001-08 International expansion, managerial capacity, and Penrose theory of firm growth DANCHI TAN conference
2001-11 An empirical investigation of the Utilization of expatriates: Agency theory and transaction cost perspectives DANCHI TAN conference
2009-08 The Effects of Director Industry and Firm Experience on Firm Performance: Startups vs. Diversifying Entrants DANCHI TAN conference
2009-08 The Relationship between Location-Bound Advantages and International Strategy: An Empirical Investigation DANCHI TAN conference
2007-10 人民幣實質匯率與中國對美出口之關係----第三國效果 HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2006-11 匯率波動與出口數量的因果關西研究---以大陸輸美出口為例 HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2006 Exchange Rate Volatility and the Timing of Foreign Direct Investment: Market-Seeking versus Export Substituting HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2005-05 Rate Movements and Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Taiwanese Investment into China HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2005 The impact of exchange rate movements on foreign direct investment: market-oriented versus cost-oriented HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2005 The Impact of Exchange Rate Uncertainty on Exports of China HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2004-07 The Impact of Exchange Rate Changes on Taiwan’s Foreign Direct Investment into China HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2000-06 Swarch 模型用於各國股市報酬風險值計測之可行性分析 HSIU-HUA RAU conference
2000-06 Antitrust Laws, the Free-rider Problem and the Relationship between Mergers, Stock Prices and Production HSIU-HUA RAU conference
1999-12 投資與景氣狀態分析 HSIU-HUA RAU conference
1999-12 Estimating VAR for Major TAIEX Index Returns via Markov-Switching Models HSIU-HUA RAU conference