
Showing 301-325 of 358
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-06 以詮釋資料轉譯與呈現醫學影像屬性與功 能 CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、陳惠如、柯逸賢 conference web page(276)
2021-04 以影像特徵結合詮釋資料建立自動化醫學報告 CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、陳惠如 conference web page(323)
2021-06 以影像辨識分析公眾人物的形象 CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、林庭漪 conference web page(248)
2021-06 以機器學習預測日本戲劇之收視率與其影響要素 CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming、徐子心 conference web page(260)
2021-11 大數據洞見全球傳染病之衝擊回復力 PEI CHUN LEE、Lee, Pei-Chun conference web page(344)
2019-09 A Leap into the future of Taiwan Pilot PLR Era: Progression of the Inevitable JEONG-YEOU CHIU、Chiu , Jeong-Yeou conference pdf(292)
2021-03 What Are Researchers’ Concerns: Submitting a Manuscript to an Unfamiliar Journal JEONG-YEOU CHIU、Chiu , Jeong-Yeou、Lin, Chang-Huei conference pdf(258)
2022-02 Bibliometric Analysis and Data Visualization of Archival Science Journal Literature (1971-2020) CHIAO-MIN LIN、 黃鈺婷、CHIAO-MIN LIN、Huang, Yu-Ting conference web page(335)
2021-11 呈現檔案史料脈絡之檔案檢索系統設計 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN、王立勛 conference web page(330)
2021-11 社群網站議論檔案事件主題及其情感傾向分析 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN conference
2021-11 檔案之自動化主題分類─以《總裁批簽》檔案為例 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN conference web page(297)
2021-12 黨史檔案在數位人文研究的實踐 CHIAO-MIN LIN、CHIAO-MIN LIN conference pdf(56)
2021-12 Automatic Defect Recognition Model of Terminal Block Connectors using Transfer Learning CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming conference web page(248)
2021-12 Establish a Contact Tracing Mechanism Based on a Graphical Relevance Structure CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming conference web page(306)
2022-05 以文本探勘技術輔助檔案策展內容之建置 CHIAO-MIN LIN、劉家伊 conference web page(264)
2022-05 以書目計量分析數位人文研究文獻及其視覺化呈現 CHIAO-MIN LIN、鄒佩炘 conference web page(265)
2022-12 Towards Sustainability: Digital Resilience in Public Libraries PEI CHUN LEE、陳鈞婷 conference web page(207)
2022-12 人力資源管理與全球學術研究的連結:以書目計量分析 CHIAO-MIN LIN、張騰睿 conference web page(275)
2023-01 Multiple Organ Classification based on Deep Learning and Isolated Annotation CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming conference web page(302)
2022-11 Content-based Commodity Search Engine using Convolutional Image Retrieval CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming conference web page(275)
2022-11 Image Retrieval and Identification of Abdominal Organs based on Convolutional Features CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming conference web page(260)
2022-11 Analysis of Chinese Calligraphy Fonts Using Content-based Image Retrieval CHUNG MING LO、Lo, Chung-Ming conference web page(330)
2018-07 《法海遺珠》、《道法會元》中的官將資料庫建置與數位人文研究 YU-JUNG CHENG、CHEN-HUNG KAO conference web page(168)
2017-11 《法海遺珠》、《道法會元》中道法系統的數位人文研究:宋、元、明道教官將網絡分析 YU-JUNG CHENG、CHEN-HUNG KAO conference pdf(72)
2016-12 Construction and Application of the Ontology on Taipei’s Historical Sites During Period of Japanese Rule YU-JUNG CHENG、張映涵、Cheng, Yu-Jung、Chang, Ying-han conference pdf(56)