
Showing 801-825 of 931
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-10 Economic resource relational network access in web-based graphical user interfaces JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN conference web page(988)
2016-10 Digital heritage inventory using open source geospatial software JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN conference web page(817)
2015-10 Generation of digital surface temperature model from thermal images collected by thermal sensor on quadcopter UAV SHIH-HONG CHIOSHIH-HONG CHIOSHIH-HONG CHIO conference web page(908)
2015-10 Visualization of open data: A case study of climate data JIHN-FA JAN、Mao, Wan-Hsin、JIHN-FA JAN conference pdf(465)
2015-10 Study of higher order ionospheric refraction effects on precise point positioning accuracy LAO-SHENG LIN、Hung, Wanchi、Lin, Laosheng conference web page(779)
2015-10 Agricultural land use change analysis: A study of Taiwan Area JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN、Jan, Juhn Fa conference web page(918)
2015-10 Analyzing vegetation phenology in Yilan using multisource remote sensing images JIHN-FA JANJIHN-FA JAN、Tsai, Jung-en、Chang, Chung-te、Jan, Juhn-fa conference web page(950)
2015-10 Estimation of Green Water Footprint of Rice Paddies in taitung area using MODIS data SHIH-YUAN LIN、Wu, Chih-Da、Huang, Tzu-Yu、Lin, Shih-Yuan、Lin, Chun-Te conference pdf(553)
2015-08 Green premium in green condo buildings? Evidence in Taiwan FONG-YAO CHENFONG-YAO CHEN、Peng, I-Wei、Liang, Jen-Hsu、Liang, Yin-Yu conference web page(724)
1996-08 台灣地區經濟發展對土地資源配置之影響 CHENG-JUNG YANG conference pdf(139)
1992-09 台灣地區市地問題之探討 SONG-LING YANG conference pdf(218)
1994-09 都市中之農地問題探討 日本之經驗 林英彦 conference pdf(159)
1994-09 空間價值之評估 YUAN-SHING LIN、王靖 conference pdf(215)
1994-09 土地資源的永續利用 以台灣為例 李永展、張乃瑩 conference pdf(227)
1994-09 都市土地開發擁擠外部性之研究 TAI-MING BEN conference pdf(389)
2000 以權利變换方式進行都市更新之评議 SONG-LING YANG conference pdf(255)
1998-08 三生並重 李永展 conference pdf(651)
2013-07 陸生在台灣使用Facebook的期望與經驗之研究 黃首豪 conference web page(439)
2015 論上古歌謠的韻律問題——《詩經》聲母的和諧現象 CHIA-NING CHU article web page(499)
2014-06 高中圖書館施行發展性書目療法服務之研究 王姿元、MEI-HWA YANG、Wang, Tzu-Yuan、MEI-HWA YANG article pdf(538)
2016-12 A Study of Flood Disaster Risk Communication Model and Adaptive Behaviours for River-Watershed residents in Taiwan JEN-TE PAIJEN-TE PAI、Hu, Di、JEN-TE PAI、Chen, Yu-Yun conference pdf(368)
2019-04 Information asymmetry and cross purchasing FONG-YAO CHENFONG-YAO CHEN、Liang, Jen-Hsu、Tu, Charles、Liang, Yin-Yu conference
2018-12 運用實價登錄資料持續推動基準地地價制度 FONG-YAO CHENFONG-YAO CHEN、梁仁旭、葉惠中、JIHN-FA JAN conference
2019-01 The Function of Leadership and Collective Action: a Case Study of the Promotion of Natural Agriculture in Wufeng District, Taichung City, Taiwan AI-CHING YEN、AI-CHING YEN、陳胤安、Chen, Yin-An conference pdf(452)
2019-07 Towards a new face for Planetary Maps: Design and web-based Implementation of Planetary Basemaps VAN GASSELT STEPHAN、Gasselt, Stephan van、Manaud, Nicolas、Nass, Andrea、Hare, Trent M. conference pdf(218)