
Showing 176-200 of 343
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-09 The ASEAN Security Community and Disaggregation of Sovereignty? A Provisional Analysis 黃奎博 conference
2005-07 二次美伊戰後美國總統與國會在外交權的爭奪:以戰爭權力的觀點為例 黃奎博 conference
2002-12 Rethinking Preventive Diplomacy in Southeast Asia 黃奎博 conference 說明頁(1258)
2002-07 Globalization, Transforming Sovereignty and the Republic of China`s South China Sea Strategy 黃奎博 conference
2000-03 Big Power Politics Trumps Democratization: The Republic of China`s foreign policy making since the 1980s 黃奎博 conference
1999-04 Avoiding War: A study of changing PRC-ASEAN security relations 黃奎博 conference
1999-02 Post Cold War Security Building in Southeast Asia: Equivocal ASEAN-PRC security relations 黃奎博 conference
1998-10 The Indeterminate Political Effects of the ROC`s Investment in the PRC 黃奎博 conference
2008-04 科索沃獨立之觀察與分析:澳洲觀點 劉德海 conference pdf(972)
2007-12 Canada-Japan Relations in the 21st Century 劉德海 conference
2007-12 Canada’s Role in Afganistan: more than just defending Canada`s national interests 劉德海 conference
2007-12 超越貿易的韓美自由貿易協定 劉德海 conference
2007-11 South Korea’s FTA Strategy 劉德海 conference
2007-11 中共入世對台商在大陸經營之衝擊 劉德海 conference
2007-10 A Comparative Study of Australia and New Zealand’s Perceptions of Rising China: Implications for their FTA Negotiations with China 劉德海 conference
2007-07 南韓因應中國FTA策略之對策 劉德海 conference
2007-06 A Comparative Study of Taiwan-India Economic Relations and South Korea-Indian Economic Relations 劉德海 conference
2007-06 A Comparative Study of the China Factor in India and Australia’s Asia Pacific Policy 劉德海 conference
2007-06 Enriched Uranium and Japan`s Security: Implications for Asia Pacific Security 劉德海 conference
2007-04 South Korea - US FTA: A Deal Beyond Trade 劉德海 conference
2006-12 A Taiwanese Perspective on the DPRK’s Nuclear Test 劉德海 conference
2006-10 The China Factor in Asian Economic Integration 劉德海 conference
2006-09 南太平洋和平觀察:澳紐 劉德海 conference
2006-09 和平觀察:東北亞 劉德海 conference
2006-07 South Korea’s FTA Strategy 劉德海 conference