
Showing 376-390 of 390
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-06 Competitive Advantage and Strategy of Taiwan’s Television Broadcasters in Multi-platform Era: A Resource-based view 陳弘軒、Chen, Hung-Hsuan conference pdf(280)
2014-06 數位相片、家庭生命故事與代間學習電腦對傳播與 「後喻文化」的影響理論提議 YEAN TSAIYEAN TSAIKUO-JEN TSANG、Tsang, Kuo-Jen conference pdf(217)
2014-06 韓國4G–LTE 行動寬頻發展與政策之初探 俞振儀、Yu, Cheng Yi conference pdf(209)
2014-06 網路人際信任對SNS用戶使用行為之影響 劉燁 conference pdf(171)
2014-06 從文化中介者探討台灣當代時尚文化意涵 陳曼薇、方郁絹、Fang, Yu Jyuan conference pdf(304)
2020-05 樂齡人士智慧型手機學習歷程探討 WEI-WEI HUANGWEI-WEI HUANG conference web page(553)
2020-05 社區領導人使用新科技尋求防災資訊之初探研究 CHIUNG-WEN HSUCHIUNG-WEN HSU conference pdf(211)
2020-11 Infodemic vs. disaster rumors: the characteristics of misinformation regarding COVID-19 and responses of it in Taiwan CHIUNG-WEN HSUCHIUNG-WEN HSU conference web page(302)
2020-10 誰的假新聞?初探COVID19 假新聞製作來源的動機與內容特徵 CHIUNG-WEN HSUCHIUNG-WEN HSU conference web page(417)
2021-11 當校園媒體遇見文化公民權:以政治大學傳播學院實習廣播電台為例 WEI-WEI HUANGWEI-WEI HUANG conference web page(373)
2021-12 The Distuptive Innovation of Printing Media in the Age of 5G WEI-WEI HUANGWEI-WEI HUANG conference pdf(289)
2022-09 Heroine or the woman behind the successful man: the female leaders in the disaster resilience communities in Taiwan CHIUNG-WEN HSUCHIUNG-WEN HSU conference web page(230)
2023-05 台灣社群平台重製圖文合理使用探討:以迷因梗圖為例 WEI-WEI HUANG conference web page(143)
2023-10 社群平台假新聞/訊息之傳播模式初探 WEI-WEI HUANG conference web page(141)
2023-09 The neglected community power--new immigrants' disaster literacy and resilience: a communication approach CHIUNG-WEN HSUCHIUNG-WEN HSU conference pdf(1)