
Showing 51-75 of 438
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1999 The Institutional Basis of Taiwan`s Factional Politics:Comparing the Japanese Rule and Early KMT Rule 郭承天 conference
1999 民主化對金融體系與金融秩序的衝擊與因應之道 郭承天、陳尚懋、黃宗昊 conference
2004-01 Globalization and Localization of Cross-Straits Political Economy 冷則剛 conference
1999 Capital Institutions and Reforms in Taiwan 郭承天、Shangmao Chen、Zonghao Huang conference
1999 The Origins of State-Local Relations in Taiwan 郭承天 conference
1997 民主與經濟發展:結合質與量的研究方法 郭承天 conference
1995 Trade and Domestic Politics in East and Southeast Asia 郭承天 conference
1996 台灣的政治民主化與經濟發展 郭承天 conference
1996 Relations Between Economic Development and Democratization in Taiwan 郭承天 conference
1996 憲政改革與經濟發展 郭承天 conference
1996 Democratization and Economic Development in Taiwan: A Theory of Political-Economic Strategic Structures 郭承天 conference
1999-12 漢代俸祿制度之研究 張復華 conference
1998 改制更革與權力鬥爭─以宋代四朝改制興革為例 張復華 conference
2003-05 Accounting for Taiwan`s Economic Policies toward China 冷則剛 conference
1997 四十餘年來台灣地區歷代政治制度研究 張復華 conference
1997 歷代政治制度的研究方法 張復華 conference
2002 KMT After the Defeat: Surviving or Reviving 黃德福 conference
2001 選民的特質與策略性投票:台灣2000年總統選舉的分析 黃德福 conference
2000 少數政府與責任政治:台灣『半總統制』之下的政黨競爭 黃德福 conference
1999 選舉競爭與台灣政治民主化 黃德福 conference
1988-11 自力救濟之回應:分析與評估 黃德福 conference
1988-11 政治自力救濟之分析 黃德福 conference
1989-04 反對運動的策略與台灣地區政治民主化 黃德福 conference
1989-10 Local Factions and Party Competition: The Impacts of Electoral System on Taiwan`s Political Democratization 黃德福 conference
2003-01 International and Domestic Interpretations of Taiwan`s Economic Engagement with China 冷則剛 conference