
Showing 101-125 of 438
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 總統制及議會內閣制優劣之比較分析 李國雄 conference
2001 泰國政局與變遷中的政商關係 李國雄 conference
2001 Globalization and the Cross-strait Relationship 李國雄 conference
2001 全球化:台灣變遷中的國家與社會互動型態對兩岸關係之影響 李國雄 conference
2000 印尼政商關係變遷與發展 李國雄 conference
2000 印尼金融危機與變遷中的政商關係 李國雄 conference
2002-04 全球化與主權國家︰三個層次的分析 冷則剛 conference
1986-09 An Assessment of Teng`s Bureaucratic Reform 1979-1984 李國雄 conference
2005-12 立法委員的立法提案:第五屆立法院的分析 盛杏湲 conference pdf(2398)
1985 Developmental Experience in Mainland China and Its Policy Implications 李國雄 conference
1983 回教與印尼的政治秩序 李國雄 conference
1989-09 Manifesto for the RP-Taiwan Relations Act 李國雄 conference
1990-03 The Impact of Tienanmen Square Incident on the Republic of China 李國雄 conference
1991-11 The Role of Intellectuals in the Third World Countries and the ROC on Taiwan 李國雄 conference
1991-08 The Development of American Studies in Taiwan 李國雄 conference
1994 台灣政治文化的轉型 江炳倫 conference
1993-12 從政治發展理論看國父思想 江炳倫 conference
2002-01 Forces of Political Changes in Taiwan and China 冷則剛 conference
2002-01 Domestic Changes and Taiwan`s Engagement with Mainland China 冷則剛 conference
2001-05 Globalization and Talent Flows Across the Taiwan Straits 冷則剛 conference
2000-09 Uncertain Straits: Taiwan and Mainland China in an Era of Economic Globalization 冷則剛 conference
2000-08 Fatal Attractions? Securing Cross-Straits Economy in the Era of Globalization 冷則剛 conference
2000-05 Business-Government Relations and Cross-Straits Issues 冷則剛 conference
1999-09 Coping with Democracy: Democratic Peace and Democratic Conflict Across the Taiwan Straits 冷則剛 conference
1999-06 Forces of Change Across the Taiwan Straits: Domestic and International Implications 冷則剛 conference