
Showing 376-400 of 981
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 Web-based learning platform design criteria and evaluation scale development MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2007 高等教育創新:政治大學個案 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2007 校長科技領導與教師資訊素養關係之研究 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2006-04 Elementary school principals’ technology leadership: An empirical investigation in Taiwan MENG-CHUN CHIN、MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2006 Testing a structural equation model of principals’ technology leadership, teachers’ technology literacy, and teaching MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2005 教育品質之提昇:兼談 Koalaty Kid 概念 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2004 教育領導新趨勢:科技領導及其效能之研究 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2004 美國高等教育品質管理機制之現況及其對台灣之啟示 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2004 結構方程模式在評量科技領導效能向度上的應用 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2004 教育科技領導:美國現況趨勢、實證研究及其對台灣的啟示 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2003 The team builder experience: The impact of a constructivist-learning environment on students’ ability to create high performance team. MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2002 Assessing principals’ leadership in implementing educational technology policies. MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2002 Ed. D. students’ perceptions of the impact of the Team Builder experience on their ability as team members to work toward creating high performance teams. MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2002 美國高等教育改革之發展方向及其對我國之啟示 MENG-CHUN CHIN conference
2009 優質校園環境 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2009 學校創新經營策略:理念與實務 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2009 學校創新經營理念與策略之探析 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2008 領導的新理論:空間領導 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2008 教育領導新論:空間領導的理念與策略 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2008 校園閒置空間再利用之探析 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2007.11 大學校園的創意設計 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2007 不教之教―政大附中的品格教育 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2007 優質學校之校園營造 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2007 優質學校之校園規劃與實施 CHIH-MIN TANG conference
2006.03 學校創新營的策略--以政大附中為例 CHIH-MIN TANG conference