
Showing 701-725 of 981
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-08 Can we activate the awe-emotion through a series of picture-watching? MIN-NING YU、Yu, M. N.、CHI CHENG YANG、NAI-SHING YEN conference web page(450)
2019-08 Development and item response analysis of the Awe-Scale MIN-NING YU、Yu, M. N.、CHI CHENG YANG、Hsiung, S. Y. conference web page(344)
2019-08 How methodological features moderate instructional effects: A meta-regression analysis of experimental data from 1990 to 2017 in Taiwan MIN-NING YU、Yu, M. N.、Hsieh, J. C conference web page(407)
2019-08 Interpersonal relationship as a mediator between optimistic explanatory style and well-being MIN-NING YU、Yu, M. N.、Li, P. H.、Chu, L. H. conference web page(364)
2019-08 The relationships among the savoring beliefs, capacity to savor, and flourishing life of junior high school teachers and special education teachers in Taiwan MIN-NING YU、Yu, M. N.、NAI-SHING YEN conference web page(341)
2017-07 Body image prevention in female adolescent students: A dynamic movement psycho-education program. TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE、CHUNG-HSIN CHIANG conference web page(479)
2016-07 Body image prevention in female college students: A dynamic movement psychoeducation program. TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE conference web page(363)
2015-07 Promoting joint attention for toddlers with autism spectrum disorder: A dynamic movement-based joint engagement model. TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE conference web page(272)
2018 建立青少女身體意象之研究 TSUNG-CHIN LEE、TSUNG-CHIN LEE conference pdf(242)
2019-11 台灣華德福教育型態學校領導個案研究-以宜蘭縣立慈心華德福教育實驗高級中等學校一位校長為例 MING-SHIANG CHUU NIMING-SHIANG CHUU NI、王心恩 conference web page(372)
2019.1 Adolescent mathematics ability trajectories and related ecological factors. MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU conference web page(738)
2019.12 How does school leadership affect student mathematics achievement? MEI-SHIU CHIUMEI-SHIU CHIU、朱梅花、Zhu, M. conference web page(427)
2017.12 師資培育的第二條軌道:臺灣實驗教育師資需求及其培育制度芻議 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao、陳嫺霓 conference web page(259)
2016-01 我國偏鄉教育政策前瞻分析與建議 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao conference pdf(173)
2018.12 混齡教學自主學習與社會利他行為之研究 TUNG-LIAO CHENG、Cheng, Tung-Liao、徐永康、林忠蔚、黃淑芬 conference web page(286)
2019.1 Taiwanese college students’ self-regulation and its relationship with positive smartphone usage and behavior. YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、Lin, Y. L. conference web page(245)
2019.09 從明信片看世界 YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、張宛茜、陳思元 conference web page(321)
2019.09 陪著木蘭出征去!─木蘭詩與社會角色定位 YANG-HSUEH CHENYANG-HSUEH CHEN、陳怡方、陳思欣、黃彩珅 conference web page(262)
2019.12 客家地區校園建築特色及其文化傳承蘊意 —以桃園、新竹客家地區九校為例 彭允、Peng, Yun conference pdf(216)
2019.12 共榮與共融的潛在課程-校園遊憩設施革新之案例分析 謝宛芹、Hsieh, Wan-Chin Chang conference web page(352)
2020-04 Investigating Teachers` Design Vitality With Design Thinking Engagement and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG、Chen, Nanxi、Chai, Ching Sing、Jyh, Chong-Liang conference web page(468)
2019-11 本土文化對於國中中輟生家長與系統合作的影響 – 以桃園某國中為例 WAN-CHEN CHENWAN-CHEN CHEN、張家瑋 conference web page(275)
2016-11 A model of mastery experience in creativity game-based learning among pupils CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN conference web page(253)
2017-06 Employing game-based learning to improve pupils` creativity CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN、YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH conference web page(500)
2019-09 中小學校長校園建築規劃與學生學習成效關係之研究 CHIN-SHAN LIN、CHIN-SHAN LIN conference web page(240)