
Showing 226-250 of 804
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008-12 是減害還是加害?愛滋新聞論述中的毒癮者框架 徐美苓 conference
2008-11 Risk communication strategies in the dioxin crises in Taiwan 徐美苓 conference
2008-09 疾病的生物醫學真實Vs.社會/文化真實:以憂鬱症的新聞再現為例 徐美苓 conference
2008-09 食品受戴奧辛污染事件的新聞建構 徐美苓 conference
2008-07 Evaluating the news coverage of dioxin-related risks in Taiwan: Quality and barriers 徐美苓 conference
2008-07 Establishing an evaluative scheme for public health campaigns: A case of women and HIV/AIDS in Taiwan 徐美苓 conference
2007-06 Lay discourse of body, health, and medical use in a coexistent culture of Chinese and Western medicine: A challenge to the elitist-based medical correctness in Taiwan 徐美苓 conference
2006-11 Mediated discourse of traditional Chinese and folk medicine during the 2003 SARS crisis in Taiwan 徐美苓 conference
2006-06 What matters and changes in condom use? Public perceptions and practices before and after the 2004 HIV/AIDS campaign in Taiwan 徐美苓、Hsu, Mei-Ling conference pdf(884)
2005-11 Positioning between Western and Chinese medical beliefs as mediated by risk perception in Taiwan: A discourse analysis of the 2003 legitimacy controversy of herbs containing aristolochic acid 徐美苓 conference
2005-07 Gender differences in perceiving condom use and its barriers in Taiwan 徐美苓 conference
2005-07 News framing and public attitudes towards PLWHAs: A cross-cultural comparison between Taiwan and Hong Kong 徐美苓 conference
2005-07 愛滋新聞閱讀與對感染者與病患的態度:訊息設計實驗 徐美苓、陳瑞芸、賴奕帆、林佳韻 conference pdf(692)
2004-08 HIV/AIDS Media Campaigns and Their Effectiveness in Taiwan 徐美苓 conference
2004-07 媒體與愛滋病─台灣媒體針對愛滋病報導之變遷 徐美苓 conference
2004-06 新聞乎?廣告乎?醫療風險資訊的媒體再現與反思 徐美苓 conference pdf(762)
2003-09 病菌、人與大眾傳播:從傳染病防治的宣導談起 徐美苓 conference
2003-09 小病微恙的真實建構─以「感冒」的新聞論述為例 徐美苓 conference
2002-12 愛滋陰影下的情慾規範 徐美苓 conference
2002-04 性、保險套與愛滋防治:從健康宣導訊息看愛滋防治的變遷 徐美苓 conference
2001-07 愛滋病的死亡建構 陳婷玉、徐美苓、Chen, Ting-Yu(Anne)、Hsu, Mei-Ling conference pdf(760)
2001-07 新傳播領域之教育趨勢:健康傳播教育在台灣 徐美苓 conference
2000-04 當新聞記者碰上科學醫學 徐美苓 conference
1999-06 邁向千禧年的傳播學--健康的傳播:健康醫療與新聞報導 徐美苓 conference
1999-06 關懷在愛滋蔓延的時代裡--閱聽人對宣導廣告的接受度研究 徐美苓 conference