
Showing 26-50 of 157
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1998 老人安養政策 PAU-CHING LU conference web page(1084)
1996 增進老人社會參與之政策規劃 PAU-CHING LU conference
1996-06 由失能老人社區照顧需求談服務網絡之建立─以台北市為例 MEI-O HSIEH conference
1996-04 單親家庭子女照顧與教養需求 MEI-O HSIEH conference
1993-01 社會福利民營化的迷思 MEI-O HSIEH conference
1999-08 八十八年社會指標統計:社會福利 傅立葉 conference
1998-05 福利民營化與社區化的政治經濟分析︰以彭婉如文教基金會推動的「社區課後照顧」為例 傅立葉 conference
1995-02 從社會福利理論審查全民健保法案 傅立葉 conference
2009-03 我如何知道社工員該做什麼:小型養護機構社工員專業角色發展之初探 PAU-CHING LU conference
2008-11 七位阿嬤顧尪看孫的經驗初探:老幼兼顧女性照顧者之感受和因應策略 PAU-CHING LU conference
2008-09 The Public Attitude towards Government Responsibility for Supporting Older Persons: A Case of Taiwan PAU-CHING LU conference
2008-04 台灣老人參與休閒活動效益之初探 PAU-CHING LU conference
2007-11 誰來照顧老人?台灣民眾對照顧老人責任看法之初探 PAU-CHING LU conference
2007-09 Social Support Among Elderly Persons Living Alone in Taiwan : Do Strong Ties Matter? PAU-CHING LU conference
2006-07 社會與健康照顧組研究成果 PAU-CHING LU conference
2009 The Attitudes toward and Enactment of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Principles among Professionals in Rehabilitation Agency LI-YU SONG conference
2007-12 復元優點模式在高風險家庭關懷及相關領域之運用 LI-YU SONG conference
1998-04 國家社會福利預算之合理分配 傅立葉 conference
2010-03 眺望2020年台灣社會工作專業發展之趨勢 PAU-CHING LU conference pdf(1370)
2012-03 臺灣日間照顧和居家服務之展望 PAU-CHING LU conference pdf(1459)
2015-11 Comparison of Two Service Models of Adult Day Care Center in Taiwan PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU conference
2015-10 Comparison of Two Service Models of Adult Day Care Center in Taiwan PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU conference
2014-03 失智症老人妻子照顧者的生命故事:我是妻子、照顧者,但我也是老人 PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU conference
2013-09 The Social Division of Care Work: Analyzing Taiwanese Attitudes toward Child Care and Elder Care PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU conference
2013-06 Community Participation and Life Satisfaction in Old Age PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU conference