
Showing 26-50 of 394
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005 A Three-Component Mixture Model in Willingness-To-Pay Analysis for general Interval Censored Data JENG-TUNG CHIANG、陳珍信、蔡依倫 conference
2005 台灣地區服務業就業趨勢之年齡、年代及世代分析 郭雅雅、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2005 台灣地區服務業就業趨勢之年齡、年代及世代分析 郭雅雅、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2004-11 Longitudinal Study on the Changing Patterns and Risks/Protective Factors of Substance Use among High School Students in Taiwan Lee C-M、Chang F-C、Lai H-R、JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Lee P-H、Chen W-J conference
2004-11 Longitudinal Study on the Changing Patterns and Risks/Protective Factors of Substance Use among High School Students in Taiwan Lee C-M、Chang F-C、Lai H-R、JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Lee P-H、Chen W-J conference
2004-06 態度量表中檢定組間差異之統計方法 林昱君、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2004-06 態度量表中檢定組間差異之統計方法 林昱君、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2004-06 應用個體選擇模式檢驗促銷活動之成效 余思瑩、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2004-06 應用個體選擇模式檢驗促銷活動之成效 余思瑩、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2003-09 複選題的可行分析方法 JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2003-09 複選題的可行分析方法 JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2002-12 台北縣市高職學生物質濫用之危險與保護因子追蹤研究 李景美、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2002-12 台北縣市高職學生物質濫用之危險與保護因子追蹤研究 李景美、JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2002-12 Study on the Risk and Protective Factors of Smoking among the Vocational High School Students in Taipei Area: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Lee C-M、Lai H-R、Lee P-H、Chang F-C,Chen W-J conference
2002-12 Study on the Risk and Protective Factors of Smoking among the Vocational High School Students in Taipei Area: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Lee C-M、Lai H-R、Lee P-H、Chang F-C,Chen W-J conference
2002-07 Using Latent Transition Model to Study Distress Problems in Adolescents JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Chen L-S、Hsieh,Y-S、Su S-C conference
2002-07 Using Latent Transition Model to Study Distress Problems in Adolescents JENG-TUNG CHIANG、Chen L-S、Hsieh,Y-S、Su S-C conference
2001 Robust Regression With Both Continuous and Categorical in the Presence of Missing Values TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Wen,Y-W conference
2001 Robust Regression With Both Continuous and Categorical in the Presence of Missing Values TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Wen,Y-W conference
1996-09 Identification of Outlying Cells in Contingency Tables JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
1996-09 Identification of Outlying Cells in Contingency Tables JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
1996-03 2x2交叉實驗設計問題探討 JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
1996-06 Identification of Qutlying Cells in Contingency Tables JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
1996-06 Identification of Qutlying Cells in Contingency Tables JENG-TUNG CHIANG conference
2002-06 台灣地區高齡人口失能狀況的空間分析 CHING-SYANG YUE、胡玉蕙 conference