
Showing 51-75 of 394
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002-06 台灣地區高齡人口失能狀況的空間分析 CHING-SYANG YUE、胡玉蕙 conference
2002-03 台灣地區生育率模式的推估研究 CHING-SYANG YUE、黃意萍 conference
2002-01 Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries CHING-SYANG YUE conference
2002-01 Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries CHING-SYANG YUE conference
2001-03 Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz`s Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries CHING-SYANG YUE conference
2001-03 Oldest-Old Mortality Rates and the Gompertz`s Law: A Theoretical and Empirical Study Based on Four Countries CHING-SYANG YUE conference
2001-08 An Overlap Measure based on Species Proportions CHING-SYANG YUE、Clayton M、Yu I conference
2000-03 Mortality Projections for the Elderly in Taiwan: A Comparison of Four Methods CHING-SYANG YUE、張正鵬 conference
2000-03 Mortality Projections for the Elderly in Taiwan: A Comparison of Four Methods CHING-SYANG YUE、張正鵬 conference
1999-08 A Nonparametic Estimator of Species Overlap CHING-SYANG YUE、Clayton M conference
2001 Maximun Likelihood Estimation for Environmental Data with Detection Limits and Missing Valuse TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Hwang,J.-H. conference
2001 Maximun Likelihood Estimation for Environmental Data with Detection Limits and Missing Valuse TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Hwang,J.-H. conference
1999-08 從英美兩國的經驗探討抽樣在普查中的角色 CHING-SYANG YUE、胡玉蕙 conference
1999-08 從英美兩國的經驗探討抽樣在普查中的角色 CHING-SYANG YUE、胡玉蕙 conference
1999-04 A Study of a Number-guessing Game CHING-SYANG YUE、胡玉蕙、Yu I conference
2000-07 High Breakdown Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scale With Missing Observations TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Victoria -Feser M.P conference
2000-07 High Breakdown Estimation of Multivariate Location and Scale With Missing Observations TSUNG-CHI CHENG、Victoria -Feser M.P conference
2000-07 The Forward Search for the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator TSUNG-CHI CHENG conference
2000-07 The Forward Search for the Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator TSUNG-CHI CHENG conference
2000-04 Robustness High Breakdown Efficiency and Detection of Outliers: A Simulation Study of Linear Regressio TSUNG-CHI CHENG conference
2000-04 Robustness High Breakdown Efficiency and Detection of Outliers: A Simulation Study of Linear Regressio TSUNG-CHI CHENG conference
2003 On the Problem of Optimal Location in a Competing Market WEN-CHI TSAI conference
2003 On the Problem of Optimal Location in a Competing Market WEN-CHI TSAI conference
2003-12 Maximum likelihood estimation for the number of the true null hypotheses in a multiple testing problem HUEY-MIIN HSUEH conference
2003-12 Maximum likelihood estimation for the number of the true null hypotheses in a multiple testing problem HUEY-MIIN HSUEH conference