
Showing 226-250 of 394
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997 X and R control charts for small production runs SU-FEN YANG conference
1999 Statistical Process control of two grade products on two dependent sub-processes SU-FEN YANG、Yang,D conference
1997 Birbaum-Saunders Centrality control SU-FEN YANG conference
1998 Statistical constrained economic adjustment design for X and S control chartss SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 The appplication of QFD on the improvement of service quality SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 X and R control charts for small production runs SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 The design of Cause-selecting control chart SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 Birbaum-Saunders Centrality control SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 Design of X Control Chart for Short Production Runs SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 The appplication of QFD on the improvement of service quality SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 Methods to Controlling Multiple Stream Processes SU-FEN YANG、Yen,J. conference
1997 The design of Cause-selecting control chart SU-FEN YANG conference
1997 Design of X Control Chart for Short Production Runs SU-FEN YANG conference
2002 Analysis of Switching Dynamics with Competing Support Vector Machines CHIU-HSING WENG、M.-W. Chang、C.-J. Lin conference
1997 Methods to Controlling Multiple Stream Processes SU-FEN YANG、Yen,J. conference
2003-12 Probability Estimates for Multi-class Classification by Pairwise Coupling T.-F. Wu、C.-J. Lin、CHIU-HSING WENG conference pdf(2919)
2002 Analysis of Switching Dynamics with Competing Support Vector Machines CHIU-HSING WENG、M.-W. Chang、C.-J. Lin conference pdf(2227)
2004-09 Robustness of extreme Cridet Loss approximations HUI-MEI LIU conference
2009-07 Credit risk estimation under serially dependent factor model HUI-MEI LIU conference
2009-05 Bayes and Empirical Bayes Approach to Estimate Default Probability and Asset Correlation HUI-MEI LIU conference
2008 Calculating the Scores with Bimode for the Basic Competence Test in Taiwan HUI-MEI LIU conference
2007 Tail Approximation of Asymmetric Factor for Portfolio Credit Risk HUI-MEI LIU conference
2007 A powerful Test for Normal Variance about Order Hupotheses HUI-MEI LIU conference
2007 Comparing Portfolio Credit Risk Methods on Diversification Effecet HUI-MEI LIU conference
2006 Goodness-of-fit for Copula Model HUI-MEI LIU conference