
Showing 426-450 of 720
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003 Labor Force Participation and Juvenile Delinquency in Taiwan-A Time Series Analysis AN-PANG KAO、Jr-Tsung Huang conference
2000-03 Educational Choice Wage Determination and Rates of Return to Education in Taiwan YIH-CHYI CHUANGYIH-CHYI CHUANG、 Chao, Chen-Yeng conference pdf(381)
2005 An Estimation of Production Efficiency of Taiwanese Firms in Mainland China: A Comparison of One-step and Two-step Estimation of Stochastic Frontier Approach CHU-CHIA LIN、Y. C. Ma conference
2003 通貨膨脹與經濟開放程度關聯性之再探討 吳中書、林金龍 conference
2005-07 Lottery Markets-Design Micro-Structure and Macro-Behavior: An ACE Approach SHU-HENG CHEN、B.-C. Chie conference
1999-12 Evolving Traders and the Business school with Genetic Programming: A new Architecture of the Agent-Based Artificial Stock Market SHU-HENG CHEN、C.-H. Yeh conference
2005-12 營業稅調整對總體經濟之可能衝擊 吳中書、范芝萍 conference
1996-06 Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Industry Characteristics:The Case of Taiwan`s Exports of Midstream Petrochemical Products KUO-LIANG WANG、吳中書 conference
2001-01 加入WTO後,兩岸經貿互動趨勢之探討 CHU-CHIA LIN conference
2001-02 經濟全球化與兩岸經貿政策 CHU-CHIA LIN conference
2001-12 大陸加入WTO後市場開放所面臨的競爭與挑戰 CHU-CHIA LIN conference
2001-12 加入WTO後對兩岸經貿關係的影響與因應之道 CHU-CHIA LIN conference
2003-03 當前台灣經濟的困境與出路 CHU-CHIA LIN conference
2001-12 中國大陸經濟發展的困境與挑戰 CHU-CHIA LIN conference
1995 Kinship,Control,and Incetives CHU-CHIA LIN、I.Png conference
1996 Returns to Scale,Productive Efficiency,and Optimal Firm Size:Evidence from Taiwan`s Firm Data YIH-CHYI CHUANG conference
2007-07 民生報停刊後,台灣報業市場之分析 MINE-PING SUNSHIRLEY J. HO conference
2007-07 A Contractual Solution to Financial Misreporting SHIRLEY J. HO、Sushanta Mallick conference
2006-12 Long Term Impacts of Emission Taxes in An Asymmetric Industry SHIRLEY J. HO conference
2006-01 Does Information Technology Always Help? Theory and Evidence from Taiwan`s Banking Industry Hsieh Meng-Fen、SHIRLEY J. HO conference
2006-07 Information Transmission in Negative Campaigns SHIRLEY J. HO conference
2001-08 Regulatory Prices in Utility Industries: Influence from the Interest Groups SHIRLEY J. HO conference
2000-06 Lobby Incentives and Policy Reformation SHIRLEY J. HO conference
2000 Evolutionarily Stable Coalition Structure SHIRLEY J. HO conference
1998-07 Optimal Contract Design for Long-Term Projects with Moral Hazard and Adverse selection SHIRLEY J. HO conference