
Showing 551-575 of 720
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011.09 To whom and where the hill becomes difficult to climb: effects of personality and cognitive capacity in experimental DA markets SHU-HENG CHEN、Umberto Gostoli、戴中擎、施國銓 conference
2011.01 The Significance of Working Memory Capacity in Double Auction Markets: Modeling, Simulation and Experiments SHU-HENG CHEN、Chung-Ching Tai、Lee-Xieng Yang、Kuo-Chuan Shih conference
2011 Decision and Behavior in Ultimatum Game with Multi Targets SHU-HENG CHEN、 Lin,Chia-Yang 、LEE-XIENG YANG、SHU-HENG CHEN conference pdf(792)
2011 Investor Behaviors and Firm Competition in a Modular Economy: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach SHU-HENG CHEN、Bin-Tzong Chie conference
2011 The role of costly punishment in promoting cooperation SHU-HENG CHEN、Tongkui Yu、Honggang Li conference
2011 Non-Price Competition in an Agent-Based Modular Economy SHU-HENG CHEN、Bin-Tzong Chie conference
2011 Bottom-Up Coordination in the El Farol Bar Problem: The Role of Local Information and Social Network’s Structure SHU-HENG CHEN、Umberto Gostoli conference
2011 Social Norm, Costly Punishment and the Evolution to Cooperation SHU-HENG CHEN、Tongkui Yu、Honggang Li conference
2011 Human Factors in the El Farol Bar Experiment SHU-HENG CHEN、戴中擎、Umberto Gostoli conference
2011 Intelligence and Level-k Reasoning in Beauty-Contest Experiments: An Integrated Analysis SHU-HENG CHEN、Lei-Xing Yang、杜業榮 conference
2011 The Decision-Making Process in a Double Auction Experiment: the Effect of Personality Traits and Working Memory SHU-HENG CHEN、Umberto Gostoli、戴中擎、施國銓 conference
2011 Investigating the Effect of Different GP Algorithms on the Non-Stationary Behavior of Financial Markets SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Tsang,Edward conference pdf(1251)
2011 Agent-based Model of the Political Election Prediction Market SHU-HENG CHEN、Tongkui Yu conference
2010.11 Liquidity Cost of Market Orders in Taiwan Stock Market: A Study based on An Order-Driven Agent-Based Artificial Stock Market SHU-HENG CHEN、YI-PING HUANG、Min-Chin Hung、SHU-HENG CHEN conference pdf(817)
2010.11 Market Fraction Hypothesis: A Proposed Test SHU-HENG CHEN、Michael Kampouridis、Edward Tsang conference
2010.09 Testing the Dinosaur Hypothesis Under Different GP Algorithms SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN conference web page(1161)
2010.08 The optimal allocation model of corporate governance based on computational intelligence: Board composition and ownership structure to maximize the firm value SHU-HENG CHEN、Hui-Sung Kao、Jan-Zan Lee conference
2010.07 Role of Pricing in an Innovation-Based Economy: Views from an Agent-Based Modular Economy SHU-HENG CHEN、Bin-Tzong Chie conference
2010.07 Building firm value function based on computational intelligence: Applying Ohlson model and considering corporate governance SHU-HENG CHEN、Hui-Sung Kao、Jan-Zan Lee conference
2010.06 Analysis of Micro-Behavior and Bounded Rationality in Double Auction Markets Using Co-evolutionary GP SHU-HENG CHEN、 Zeng,Ren-Jie、 Yu,Tina、SHU-HENG CHEN、曾仁傑 conference pdf(1335)
2010.06 What Do We Learn about Culture from Experimental Economics SHU-HENG CHENSHU G. WANG conference
2010.06 The Agent-Based Double Auction Markets: 15 Years On SHU-HENG CHEN conference web page(1487)
2010.05 Microstructure Dynamics and Agent-Based Financial Markets SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Tsang, Edward conference pdf(675)
2010 Artificial Economic Agents with Heterogeneous Cognitive Capacity and Their Economic Consequences: Study Based on Agent-Based Double-Auction Market Simulations SHU-HENG CHEN、Tina Yu、SHU-HENG CHEN conference
2010 On the beauty contest experiments: Is intelligence relevant SHU-HENG CHEN、Ye-Rong Du、Lee-Xieng Yang conference