
Showing 601-625 of 720
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-04 Smoking and Labor Market Outcomes: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan JENN-JOU CHENJENN-JOU CHEN conference pdf(904)
2009-12 Relationships between Oil Price Shocks and Stock Market: An Empirical Analysis from Greater China CHU-CHIA LINCHUNG-ROU FANG、Cheng,Hui-Pei conference pdf(1086)
2011-03 Phased Retirement for Older Workers in Taiwan JENN-JOU CHEN、Chuang,Ching-Hsiang conference pdf(1044)
2012-05 Determinants of Labor Force Participation of Older Married Men in Taiwan Chiu,Chuang-Yi 、JENN-JOU CHEN conference pdf(1177)
2010-12 The Impact of Oil Price Shocks to the Three BRIC Countries` Stock Prices CHUNG-ROU FANGCHUNG-ROU FANG conference pdf(1007)
2006-07 Housing and Saving of Taiwanese Households- New Evidence from Quantile Regression Chen,Chien-Liang、CHU-CHIA LIN conference pdf(1054)
2009-08 Capital Structure and Competition in the Banking Industry: Theory and Empirics SHIRLEY J. HO、Hsu,Su-Chu conference pdf(1552)
2009-08 A Study of Anti-Dumping Duty under Fair Trade Rule : An Application on the Case of China Towels in Taiwan Lee,Shu-Yuan 、YUNGHO WENG、Lin,Peng-Yin 、Hung,Sheng-Ti conference pdf(1304)
2011-04 ECFA and Its implications for East Asian Economic Integration YIH-CHYI CHUANG conference pdf(1389)
2011-05 大陸十二五規畫與兩岸產業合作之機會與挑戰 YIH-CHYI CHUANG conference pdf(1416)
2011-05 兩岸經濟合作與東亞經濟整合新契機 CHU-CHIA LIN、譚瑾瑜 conference pdf(997)
2009-12 亞太地區委外代工及國際分工的演變對跨國衝擊傳遞效果之影響 林晉勗、林師模、YUNGHO WENG conference pdf(916)
2009-04 Gender Discrimination Among Taiwanese Top Executives Wang,Tzu-I 、JENN-JOU CHEN conference pdf(1092)
2009-12 公平貿易下最適反傾銷稅訂定之探討:以中國毛巾傾銷案為例 李淑媛、YUNGHO WENG、PEI-YING LIN conference pdf(1146)
2010-09 大陸「十二五」規劃初探及對台灣之機會與挑戰 CHU-CHIA LIN conference pdf(1211)
2012.12 功名、職場經驗對清治時期臺灣文、武職官俸祿之影響─以鳳山縣為例 CHU-CHIA LIN、周秝宸 conference pdf(1100)
2012.09 早清單效益的評估與未來動向 CHU-CHIA LIN conference pdf(1003)
2011 A Culture-Sensitive Agent in Kirman`s Ant Model SHU-HENG CHENWEN-CHING LIOU、 Chen, Ting-Yu、SHU-HENG CHEN conference pdf(1462)
2013.04 An agent-based skeleton of the network-based trust games SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、 Zhang, Tong conference pdf(689)
2011.09 Personality and Preference: A Laboratory Study SHU-HENG CHEN conference pdf(433)
2011-01 Considering production limits in greenhouse gas emission trading using the data envelopment analysis approach Hsiao, B.、Yu, M.-M.、Chern, Chern C.-C.、Chou, Li-Chen、周秝宸 conference web page(968)
2012 Predicting the prediction market: Would smart agents help? SHU-HENG CHEN、Tung, C.-Y.、Tai, C.-C.、Chie, B.-T.、Chou, T.-C.、SHU-HENG CHEN conference web page(1143)
2008 The Opportunity Cost of Land Use and the Global Potential for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry HUEY-LIN LEE、Hertel, Thomas W.、Rose, Steven、Sohngen, Brent、Golub, Alla、HUEY-LIN LEE conference pdf(840)
2006 The Role of Global Land Use in Determining Greenhouse Gases Mitigation Costs HUEY-LIN LEE、Hertel, Thomas W.、Rose, Steven、Sohngen, Brent、HUEY-LIN LEE conference pdf(844)
2005 Towards An Integrated Land Use Database for Assessing the Potential for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation HUEY-LIN LEE、Hertel, Thomas W.、Ramankutty, Navin、Sohngen, Brent、HUEY-LIN LEE conference pdf(1033)