
Showing 151-175 of 720
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-11 從國家安全與經濟發展之觀點預估未來東亞各國國防經費之支出 YUNGHO WENG conference
2000-07 Privatization and Tariff Liberalization: An Optimal Reform Package for Transition Economies YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍、Lu A. Y. conference
2000-07 Increasing worldwide environmental consciousness and enviornmental ploicy asdjustment YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍 conference
1999-12 建構大中華經濟圈對亞太地區經貿之影響 YUNGHO WENG、許光中、徐世勳 conference
1999-12 金融風暴引爆點對亞太地區經貿之影響 YUNGHO WENG、許光中、徐世勳 conference
1999-03 海外投資對科技與人文之影響-從廠商研發與防治污染行為談起 YUNGHO WENG、李顯峰、劉碧珍 conference web page(913)
1999-02 最適關稅配額政策之探討 YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍 conference
1998-11 The Determinants of FDI in US Manufacturing by Asian MNFs. YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍、YUNGHO WENG、 Liu, Bih Jane conference web page(892)
1997-12 自製率政策與中間財廠商技術之選擇 YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍、丁嘉瑋 conference
1997-11 垂直整合,出口補貼與技術選擇 YUNGHO WENG、劉碧珍、李長邑 conference
1997-03 開發中國家進口政策評估 YUNGHO WENG conference
1997-03 有關廢除外銷退稅之兩個爭論的探討 劉碧珍、YUNGHO WENG conference
1996-07 The Determinants of Intra-Industry Direct Foreign Investment: Theory and Evidence for the U.S. and the Rest of the World in Manufacturing Industries YUNGHO WENG conference
1996-06 Effects of Strategic Internations ,Trade Policy and Market Conditions on the Direct Foreign Investment:The Case of Asian Multinational Firms in U.S.Manufacturing YUNGHO WENG conference
1995-12 廠商遊說,研發外溢與貿易政策 YUNGHO WENG、劉玉蘭 conference web page(1043)
1995-07 The Determinants of Import Penetration:Theory and Evidence YUNGHO WENG conference
1994-06 貿易政策和市場結構對出口與直接投資替代性之影響 YUNGHO WENG conference
2001-12 Urban Externalities and City Growth HSIN-PING CHEN conference
2001-01 Order from Random Growth Process in the Evolving Complex Systems HSIN-PING CHEN conference
2003-12 Modeling China Stock Markets and International Linkages Jing-Lung Lin、吳中書 conference pdf(2229)
2004-07 Experiments in a Software Aided Multiagent System SHU-HENG CHEN、C.-C Tai conference pdf(1354)
2006-03 兩岸直航的政治經濟分析 CHU-CHIA LIN、朱雲鵬 conference
2000-12 Gibrat`s Law and the Growth of Cities HSIN-PING CHEN conference
2000-03 Zipf`s Law and the Spatial Interaction Model`s HSIN-PING CHEN conference
1999-01 Commuting and Land Use Patterns HSIN-PING CHEN conference