1998 |
The Determinants of Bid-Ask Spreads in the Taiwan Security Exchange |
吳欽杉、劉玉珍 |
conference |
1998 |
Institutional Trades and Price Impacts on the Taiwan Stock Exchange |
K. C. John Wei 、Y. J. Liu、Huan-Di Yi、Le-Ming Su |
conference |
2000 |
Information Stocks Trading Strategies and Order Imbalance |
Yi-Tsung Lee 、Yu-Jane Liu、Vivian W. Tai |
conference |
2001 |
Execution costs and opportunity costs: A Trade off analysis for institutional traders |
Yi-Tsung Lee、Yu-Jane Liu、Vivian W. Tai |
conference |
2001 |
On the Demand Elasticity of IPO: An Analysis of Discriminatory Auctions |
Yu-Jane Liu 、K.C. John Wei、Gwohorng Liaw |
conference |
2003-08 |
The Probit Model: An Application to the Choice of Initial Public Offerings Methods |
Yi-Tsung Lee 、Yu-Jane Liu、Vivian W. Tai |
conference |
2003-08 |
The Probit Model: An Application to the Choice of Initial Public Offerings Methods |
Yi-Tsung Lee 、劉玉珍、Vivian W. Tai |
conference |
2005-12 |
IPO Auctions and Private Information |
Ji-Chai Lin、Yi-Tsung Lee |
conference |
2004-05 |
Do Individual Day Traders Make Money? Evidence from Taiwan |
Barber Brad、Yi-Tsung Lee、劉玉珍、Terrance Odean |
conference |
pdf(2525) |
2004-12 |
Who Gains from Trade: Eviidence from the Taiwan stock market |
Barber Brad、Yi-Tsung Lee、Yu-Jane Liu、Terrance Odean |
conference |
2004-01 |
Do Individual Day Traders Make Money? Evidence from Taiwan |
Barber Brad、Yi-Tsung Lee、劉玉珍、Terrance Odean |
conference |
2004-01 |
Do Foregin Investors make money from Opening Ending Mutual Funds |
Chen Li-Wen、Ji-Chai Lin、Yu-Jane Liu |
conference |
2005-01 |
Who Demand on the Brokerage House Recommendations? |
Lee Yi-Tsung、Yu-Jane Liu、Vivian W. Tai |
conference |
2006-01 |
Who Loses from Trade? Evidence from Taiwan |
Barber Brad、Yi-Tsung Lee、Yu-Jane Liu、Terrance Odean |
conference |
2005-05 |
Why Have Auctions Been Losing Market Shares to Bookbuilding in IPO Markets? |
Lin Ji-Chai、Yi-Tsung Lee、劉玉珍 |
conference |
2003-11 |
Why are IPO Auctions Not Popular? |
Lin Ji-Chai、Yi-Tsung Lee、劉玉珍 |
conference |
2006-06 |
兩檔限制與揭露最佳五檔委託買賣價量對市場流動性之影響-以台灣交易所為例 |
李志宏、李翎竹 |
conference |
2001 |
Liquidity Providers on an Electronic Order Driven Market |
周行一、Yuan-Lin Hsu、Evan Tsao |
conference |
2000 |
Impacts of the Asia Financial Crisis on TAiwan`s Small and Medium Enterprises |
周行一、Hung-Ling Chen、Ing-Feng Lin |
conference |
2000 |
Private Information Pricing Errors and Trading Volume around the Price Limits Hits:Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Exchange |
周行一、Yi-Tsung Lee |
conference |
1997 |
The creation of treasury bond futures in a market asbent of futures contract-on the financial engineering of Taiwan`s OTC treasury bond margin contract |
周行一、Pu Liu |
conference |
1997 |
A Risk-and return analysis of Asian emerging Markets in global asset pricing models |
周行一、Pin-Huang Chou、Gang Shyy |
conference |
1997 |
從台灣股票市場之實證經驗看家族企業型態對經濟發展之貢獻—兼論與大陸經濟發展之關聯 |
周行一 |
conference |
1996 |
Trading Behavior and Asset Returns:Evidence from the Interday Serial Correlations of Intraday-to-Intraday Daily Returns of U.S and Taiwan |
周行一、Ping Hsiao、Yu-jane Liu |
conference |
1995 |
The Economic Exposure of U.S. Multinational Firms |
周行一、Wayne Lee、Michael Solt |
conference |