
Showing 51-75 of 1117
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994 The Knitting technique and Its Application to communication Protocol Synthesis 趙玉 conference
2006-06 A Hybrid Modeling Approach for Strategy Optimization of E-business Values CHIEN-CHIH YU conference pdf(1635)
1999 Data Mining and Customer Retention and Profitability W.L. Chang、SOE-TSYR YUAN conference
1994-11 Integrating Tools for Educational Multimedia JIIN-TIAN CHYOU conference
1997-06 A CAD Tool for the Design of Protocol Petri Nets FMS and DSP 趙玉 conference
1997 商業自動化與電子商務環境中POS系統之發展 CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
2003-11 The Risks of Changed Process with Enterprise Systems SHIAW-CHUN SHANG、Peter B. Seddon conference
2006-09 An Intelligent System for Supporting Personal Creativity based on Genetic Algorithm HENG-LI YANG、Lee Cheng-Hwa conference
1995-10 Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Net 趙玉 conference
1995-10 New Knitting technique for Large Petri Net Synthesis with Automatic Preservation of Liveness Boundedness and reversibility 趙玉 conference
2000-04 DCOM for Workflow Analysis and Simulation Based On Petr Nets 趙玉、Jose A. Nicdao conference
1994-10 Design of Command and Control Systems Using Petri Nets and Object-oriented technology 趙玉、M. C. Zhou、 D. Wang conference
1994-10 Enhanced Knitting technique to Petri Net Synthesis 趙玉 conference
1995-10 Bandwidth Algorithm for String Matching 趙玉、Wang D. T. conference
2000-06 The Adoption Model of Inter-organizational Information Systems in Top Taiwan Manufacturers FONG-LING FU conference
2005 Hedonic Pricing Analysis of DSL Internet Service in Taiwan Louis Y.S. Lo、EUGENIA HUANG、Houn-Gee Chen conference
2004-07 Granting the access to certain sections to members only EUGENIA HUANG conference
2006-01 Inquiring the E-mail Management Behaviors of Knowledge Workers EUGENIA HUANG、Sheng-Wei,Lin、Shu-Chiung Lin conference
1999-06 IBOSS-A Decision Simulation System for Strategic Management Traning SHU-FENG TSENG、Wu S,-H. conference
1999-12 The Dyadic Buyer-Supplier Relationship Mediated by Information Service Provider in a Supply Chain 湯宗泰、TZUNG-I TANG、施穎偉 conference
1999-05 The Algorithm for Synchronized Choice Net Detection 趙玉 conference
2004-01 A Process View of the Impact of Information Technology on the Management of Intellectual Capital in the Banking Industry SHIAW-CHUN SHANG、J. Lin、Y. Lin conference
1996-06 Fixing Chinglish!: Developing Educational Multimedia for Asia ESL Trainning JIIN-TIAN CHYOU conference
1996-06 Facing East: Multimedia Interface Design for the Far East JIIN-TIAN CHYOU conference
2005-05 User Acceptance of Instant Messaging EUGENIA HUANG、Melinda Wei conference