
Showing 126-150 of 1104
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996 International Logistics Toward Just In Time SHRANE-KOUNG CHOU conference
1996-01 Building Object-Oriented Domain Model for Software Reengineering - A Banking Example SHU-FENG TSENG conference
1996 TQM and MIS KUO-HUIE CHIANG conference
2005-01 Assessing the Readiness of Internet-based IOS and Evaluating its Impact on Adoption HSIN-LU CHANG、Shin-Horng Chen conference pdf(1952)
2000-07 Performance Comparison between the Globalization and the Localization of A Supply Chain WOO-TSONG LIN、Chen Li-Yu conference
2005 Ambient iCare e-Services for Quality Aging: Framework and Roadmap SOE-TSYR YUAN conference pdf(2360)
2004 Ambient e-Services: Framework and Applications SOE-TSYR YUAN conference
1996-07 A CAD Tool for Synthesis of Flexible Manufacturing System 趙玉 conference
1989 A Software Integration Approach for Linking Database and Desktop Publishing Systems CHIEN-CHIH YU conference
1996 A Middle-Out Methodology for EIS Development SHU-FENG TSENG conference
1993-09 An Object-Oriented Analysis Approach in Modeling Manufacturing Systems WOO-TSONG LIN、Jinn-Chyun Chang conference
2000-11 A Comparrative Analysis of Patronage/Non-patronage on Web Usage Amy Yi Ling Lin、周逸衡、FONG-LING FU conference
2001-07 An Architecture and An Object-Oriented Model of Supply Chain Management Systems WOO-TSONG LIN、Tuang Bao-Yi conference
1997-11 網路郵購與傳統郵購之實証研究 張紹勳、SHU-FENG TSENG conference
1999 Second Order Structures for Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets 趙玉、Jose A. Nicdao conference
2003-07 Constructing an R&D innovation performance model Shu-Chiung Lin、EUGENIA HUANG conference
1999-08 Theory of Second Order Structures for Synchronized Choice Ordinary Petri Nets 趙玉、Jose A. Nicdao、Jih-Hsin Tang、Yi-Kung Chen conference
2001-04 I-Commerce potential of the middle aged population in Taiwan Helen Hou、EUGENIA HUANG conference
1996 ISRAM Symposium 趙玉 conference
2004 新市場進入決策之外部因素評估輔助系統 HENG-LI YANG conference
2004 以本體論為基礎之支援日常營運知識管理系統架構 HENG-LI YANG conference
2000-06 市民不出門能辦市政事-前瞻台北市政府電子化政府 JIIN-TIAN CHYOU conference
1995-11 物流中心資訊系統發展棋式 SHRANE-KOUNG CHOU conference
1995-11 資訊科技對未來商業的影響 SHRANE-KOUNG CHOU conference
2003-12 全球資訊網多重專案管理資訊系統之發展與應用:以營建業為例 CHIEN-CHIH YU conference