
Showing 51-75 of 161
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-04 Political Survey and Survey Participation in Taiwan 鄭夙芬 conference
2002-12 台灣民眾眼中的政黨--焦點團體研究法在政治學研究的應用 鄭夙芬游清鑫陳陸輝 conference
2002-10 訪員眼中的2001年台灣選舉與民主化調查研究 鄭夙芬 conference
2002-08 訪問時使用的語言與民眾政治態度間關連性之研究 鄭夙芬陳陸輝 conference
2002-05 How Do Different Measuremnets Affect People`s Evaluations on Political Figures? 陳陸輝鄭夙芬游清鑫 conference
2002-03 Interviewer Language Usage, National Idenity, Taiwan Independence Preference, and Survey Research in Taiwan 鄭夙芬陳陸輝 conference
1999-05 無反應問題與訪問失敗情形 鄭夙芬鄭宇庭 conference
2008-04 Party Alignment, Social Contact, and Voter Competence in a New Election System: A Case Study of the 2008 Taiwan`s Legislative Election 游清鑫蔡佳泓、Shin-yuan Sheng conference
2007-10 不依黨性投票的選民:以2006年台北市長選舉為例 游清鑫、蕭怡靖 conference
2006-08 Mass Media and Democratic Consolidation in Taiwan: A Comparison of Media Credibility and Democratic Evaluation between Mass and Social Elite 游清鑫陳陸輝、Jia-wai Liu conference
2006-08 Party Identification, Voting Behavior, and Election System in Taiwan: 1995-2004 游清鑫蔡佳泓 conference
2006-05 Voting Behavior and Electoral Engineering in Taiwan 蔡佳泓游清鑫陳陸輝鄭夙芬 conference
2006 選舉競爭程度做為選區劃分原則的考量 游清鑫、陳彥欣 conference
2005-12 台灣新選民政治態度之探析 游清鑫、蕭怡靖 conference
2005-05 Comparative Political Attitudes between Taiwan and Japan 陳陸輝游清鑫 conference
2004-11 Grassroots Democracy in Chinese Cities: The Election of Neighborhood Committee and Its Political Consequences 陳陸輝游清鑫 conference
2004-05 Change and Continuity of Partisan Support among the Electorate in Taiwan, 2000-2004 陳陸輝游清鑫 conference
2004-03 2004年總統選後的幾項觀察 游清鑫 conference
2003-04 An Exploratory Study of Split-ticket Voting in the 2002 Mayoral/Councilor Elections of Taipei 游清鑫 conference
2003 台灣民眾政黨認同的持續與變遷 游清鑫、蕭怡靖 conference
2002-12 New Party System in Taiwan: Party Realignment Perspectives 游清鑫 conference
2002 選區規模與政黨選舉表現之探討 游清鑫 conference
2001-06 國會中的政黨競爭 游清鑫 conference
2001 選民心目中理想的候選人:經驗調查的觀點 游清鑫 conference
2000-10 政黨重組?總體層次與個體層次的觀察 游清鑫、林瓊珠 conference