
Showing 26-50 of 77
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009 伊斯蘭文化語境下的阿拉伯語語用問題探索 FONG-LAN LUO conference pdf(2165)
2009 Chang and Impact of the Muslim Women`s Traditional Status in the Middle East YEA-LIN LIOUYEA-LIN LIOU conference pdf(3925)
2009 The Development of the Islamic Wahhabiyyah Movement in Northwestern China: A Study of the Rising and Influence of Ikhwani in Linxia Area CHIU-TI CHAOCHIU-TI CHAO conference pdf(3168)
2008-05 台灣地區學習阿拉伯語文挑戰與展望 CHWAN-TYAN LI conference
1997 高中阿拉伯語文教學可行性研究 CHWAN-TYAN LI conference
2008-12 神賦女權: 古蘭經之婦女觀 林長寬 conference
2007-11 馬來伊斯蘭與中土伊斯蘭關係初探:十七世紀新蘇非主義對馬來伊斯蘭之影 林長寬 conference
1995 伊斯蘭東傳入中國再探討 林長寬 conference
1995 伊斯蘭學中的古蘭經研究 林長寬 conference
1994 Arabic Teaching in Taiwan 林長寬 conference
1993 Yunnanese Muslims ICANAS 林長寬 conference
2009-07 伊斯蘭在中國在地化的變遷與調適──以西北地區宗派多元化意識為例的探討 CHIU-TI CHAO conference
2008-09 全球化趨勢下的反全球化力量──談埃及穆斯林兄弟會的伊斯蘭復興運動 CHIU-TI CHAO conference
2005-12 伊斯蘭恐怖主義中的宗教與民族觀點 CHIU-TI CHAO conference
2008-09 全球性遷移的外籍勞工問題—以海灣阿拉伯產油國為例 YEA-LIN LIOU conference
2009-12 第三、四屆中東與伊斯蘭研討會論文集 conference pdf(1832)
2017-07 Panel organiser, The Transformation of the Syrian business community through the 2011 revolution CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2019-02 Helping the brothers while suffering: the philanthropic activities of the expatriate Syrian business community CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2019-03 The Future of the Syrian Refugees in Turkey: Challenges and Opportunities CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2018-11 沙烏地阿拉伯王國和土耳其共和國對敘利亞難民政策之比較研究 CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2018-10 A different way of perceiving refugees: the economic elite class among Turkey-based Syrians CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2018-09 The Uncuttable Chain: The Impact of the Syrian State-Business Relationships on the Expatriate Turkey-based Syrian Businessmen CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2018-07 `Forced displacement from Syria and Syrian migration rationales, CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2018-01 The Neglected Social Forces during the 2011 Syrian Revolution: The Participation of Syrian Business Community CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2016-11 The economic elites of Syrian refugees: a neglected group of crisis alleviator CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference