Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1551-1575 of 1632
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2021-12 《戏曲研究》之台湾地区戏曲研究概观 HSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(203)
2022-11 On the Transformation of Social Traditions: Quotations and Interpretation of the Classics in Fengsu Tongyi WEN-SHIN JENG、WEN-SHIN JENG article web page(162)
2021-09 Introduction to “Historical Memories and the Dissemination of Concept" WEN-HUEI CHENG、SHI-CHI LAN article web page(283)
2022-12 章黃衍脈,道南傳學--高明先生人格風範與學術成就 FENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(211)
2022-09 A Study on Han Bangchi`s Presentation of Yi-diagrams with Numbers in the Ming Dynasty--Based on the Integration of Yi-Diagrams and Hongfan RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article web page(211)
2022-12 “Nan Gong(南公)”and“Bo Kuo (伯括)”as Seen in the Inscriptions of the Zhou Dynasty TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-chi article web page(203)
2023-06 On the Interaction between the Zhou Dynasty and the Baguo (霸國) from the Inscriptions of Babo yu (霸伯盂) TING-CHI HUANG、Huang, Ting-chi article pdf(263)
2023-06 The Publication and Spread of Guang Lie Xian Zhuan and You Xiang Lie Xian Quan Zhuan KUEI-JU LIN、Lin, Kuie-ju article pdf(266)
2018-06 「語言的權力、權力的語言」專題引言 路丹妮、WEN-HUEI CHENG、Dluhošová, Táňa article web page(256)
2019-12 「概念流動與區域對話」專題引言 李宥霆、CHIH-HUANG CHOU article web page(186)
2020-06 「中國思想與書畫美學」專題引言 WEN-HUEI CHENG article web page(250)
2020-06 On the "Unity between the Monarch and the Officials" during the Han-Jin Transition WAI TONG CHIN、Chin, Wai-tong article web page(177)
2021-09 The Shaping of the Canon: The Concept of "The Four Masterworks of the Ming Novel" in Modern China 黃璿璋、Huang, Hsuan-chang article web page(203)
2022-09 「『情』之概念系譜在晚清民初的召喚及跨域接受」專題引言 CHIH-HUANG CHOU article web page(221)
2022-09 The Reception and Interpretation of "Gestalt" Concept as Anti-mechanism in Early Republican Chinese Intelligentsia CHIH-HUANG CHOU、CHIH-HUANG CHOU article web page(249)
2022-09 Qian Mu`s Perspective on Yixue RUI- HONG CHENRUI- HONG CHEN article web page(270)
2022-12 Dunhuang Buddhist Narratives: Narrating Bianwen and the Storytellers` Identities MING-CHANG YANG、MING-CHANG YANG article web page(197)
2022-12 The Research of "Gui Zhen" in "Shi Shuo Xin Yu"--An Observation Different from the Moral Perspective YU-MIN SHIAUYU-MIN SHIAU article web page(187)
2023-12 A Reading Revolution: On the Jingling School's Criticism of Du Fu's Poetry in the Late Ming Dynasty YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(196)
2022-12 The legitimacy of China shaped in Taiwanese Peking Opera that performed in World’s fairs after World War II HSIN-HSIN TSAIHSIN-HSIN TSAI article web page(214)
2020-09 Immortality and Longevity: Hsi-Wang-Mu and Her Immortal Daoist Skills in Tales of Emperor Wu of Han LI-FENG KAO、Kao, Li-feng article web page(200)web page(153)
2022-12 Mother God, Myths and Sacred History: The Cosmogonic Myth and Its Symbolic Implications in Yao Ming Gui Pan LI-FENG KAO、Kao, Li-feng article web page(178)web page(155)
2023-01 The Development and Evolution of Chinese Guandi 關帝 Worship in Modern Japan: The Guandi Temple in Kobe LI-FENG KAO、Kao, Li-feng article web page(217)
2020-12 Hearsay: Re-discussion on the Friendship between Su Che and Huang Ting-jian YING-CHIEH CHEN、YING-CHIEH CHEN article web page(179)web page(124)
2023-06 朱注《孟子》歷史思惟探賾――以經學方法論為考察對象 FENG-YUAN CHENFENG-YUAN CHEN article web page(160)