Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 1-25 of 1231
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997-09 Impetus for action: A cultural analysis of justice and organizational citizenship behavior in Chinese society Farh Jiing-Lih、Earley P.C.、SHU-CHI LIN article
1995 The Determinants of Consumers` Purchase Decisions for Recycled Products: An Application of Acquisition-Transaction Utility Theory LIEN-TI BEI、Eithel M. Simpson、LIEN-TI BEI article pdf(1345)
2006-01 Benefiting from networks by occupying central position TZU-JU PENG、羅芳怡、林金賢、CHWO-MING YU、TZU-JU PENG、 Lo, FY、 Lin, CS、 Yu, CM article
2005 面談前印象對面試官評量效應之探討—以面談結構性為干擾變數 陳建丞、WEI-CHI TSAI、Chien-Cheng Chen、WEI-CHI TSAI article pdf(927)
2000-12 華人傳統價值觀與組織行為之關係:以台灣資訊電子業研發人員為例 PING-DER HUANGPING-DER HUANG article web page(855)
1980-05 樞換與變換 TSAI-HUA HSU article
2001-12 中小企業應用軟體的行銷通路--交易成本與代理理論觀點 SYMING HWANG、耿慶瑞、SYMING HWANGSYMING HWANG article web page(1220)
2002-12 顧客滿意度衡量與估計之研究─線性迴歸模型與 Ordered Probit/ Logit 模型之比較 喬友慶、葉凱莉、LIEN-TI BEI article pdf(1364)
2004-09 消費者防偽涉入影響因素之探討 AI-HWA CHANG、陳仁惠、黃崇格、Ai-Hwa Chang、 Jen-Huei Chen、 Chung-Ko Huang article pdf(1074)
1979-07 台灣企業之環境分析 DAH-HSIAN SEETOO article web page(1385)
1995-04 中小企業市場導向作為之探討 SHUN-CHING HORNG article web page(1246)
2007 Building Customer Capital through Knowledge Management Processes in the Healthcare Context Liu S.S、YEH-YUN LIN article pdf(4057)
1994-09 社會福利業務民營化可行性探討:以全民健保為例 DAH-HSIAN SEETOODAH-HSIAN SEETOO article
2002-03 金融控股公司法、金融集團總體策略與金融機構網絡定位策略-保險業觀點 DAH-HSIAN SEETOO、JIN-LUNG PENG article web page(1222)
2004-07 Representative workers` participation and social dialogue: Germany vs. Taiwan TZU-SHIAN HAN article pdf(1739)
2005-01 The effects of employee involvement on the control of employees TZU-SHIAN HAN article pdf(2106)
2005-01 Exploring the antecedents of support for employee participation Chiu Su-fen、TZU-SHIAN HAN article pdf(2410)
1995 Firm Characteristics and Importing from Psychologically Distant Markets:The Case of Taiwanese Firms Importing from Europe CHWO-MING YU、曾柔鶯、CHWO-MING YU、 Tseng, Jou-Ying article pdf(499)
2001 集中度變動之競爭意涵—台灣前一百大製造業之實證 CHWO-MING YULEI-YU WUCHWO-MING YULEI-YU WU article pdf(586)
2005 Employee participation organization commitment and human resource management policies in Taiwan`s privatizing companies Chiu Su-Fen、TZU-SHIAN HAN article
1991-02 資訊作業對行政機關組織結構和人力運用之影響 DAH-HSIAN SEETOO article web page(994)
1993-07 控制傳輸效果:企業文化塑造觀點下的比較研究 劉立倫、DAH-HSIAN SEETOO article web page(1174)
1997-05 企業再造本土化 KANG-YEN KUAN article web page(1050)
1997-06 企業再造正則 KANG-YEN KUAN article web page(904)
1997-07 虛擬式組織整合大中小型企業 KANG-YEN KUAN article web page(966)