2002-12 |
總統制與政務職位設計 |
施能傑 |
article |
2001-10 |
台灣社區大學的創發與建構公民社會 |
江明修、陳定銘 |
article |
pdf(1103) |
2004-12 |
契約性人力制度之規劃作法 |
施能傑、蔡秀涓 |
article |
說明頁(1078) |
1998-02 |
「創新」在公共管理上的應用 |
孫本初 |
article |
1994-05 |
A Study of the Influence of the External Environment on Public and Private Organizations (外部環境對公私組織之影響研究) |
孫本初 |
article |
pdf(1862) |
1997-06 |
Burnout in Public Agencies:WorldwideHow Many Employees Have Which Degrees of Burnout and With What Consequences? |
孫本初、Robert T. Golembiewski、Robert A. Boudreau、Ben-chu Sun、Huaping Luo |
article |
pdf(2888) |
1989 |
Consulting is Definitely Worth the Cost: Success Rates in OD and QWL Consultation |
孫本初 |
article |
1998-06 |
Estimates of Burnout in Public Agencies:WorldwideHow Many Employees Have Which Degrees of Burnout and With What Consequences? |
孫本初、Sun, Ben-Chu |
article |
pdf(2582) |
2003 |
The Management of Citizen Participation in Taiwan: A Case Study of Taipei City Government`s Citizen Complaints System |
陳敦源、黃東益、蕭乃沂、Chen, Don-Yun、Huang, Tong-yi、Hsiao, Nai-yi |
article |
pdf(1264) |
1997 |
中央與地方關係的調整與衝突的解決—制度設計的觀點 |
陳敦源 |
article |
說明頁(1219) |
1990 |
Positive-Findings Bias in QWL Studies: Rigor and Outcomes in a Large Sample |
孫本初 |
article |
pdf(1281) |
1991 |
Public-Sector Innovation and Predisposing Situational Features: Testing Covariants of Successful QWL Applications |
孫本初 |
article |
pdf(838) |
1996-12 |
市場秩序重建與國家角色 |
江明修 |
article |
1992 |
QWL Applications in Public Agencies: Do Sucess Rates Reflect a Positive-Findings Bias? |
孫本初、Robert T. Golembiewskia 、 Sun, Ben-chu |
article |
pdf(1799) |
1990 |
QWL Improves Worksite Quality: Success Rates in a Large Panel of Studies |
孫本初、Sun, Ben-chu |
article |
1996-07 |
Reports of the Task Force on Burnout Norms |
孫本初 |
article |
1990 |
Situational Features and QWL Outcomes: Testing Twelve Guides for Praxis |
孫本初 |
article |
1990 |
Testing the Positive-Findings Bias in QWL Studies: Rigor and Outcomes by Magor Classes of Applications |
孫本初 |
article |
1992-03 |
The Rigor of QWL Evaluations Over Time:Evidence o A Modified Positive-Finings Bias |
孫本初、Golembiewski, Robert T.、Ben-chu Sun |
article |
pdf(1262) |
1991-02 |
工作生活品質研究中關於其設計嚴謹性與產出結果間關係之探討 |
孫本初 |
article |
pdf(1759) |
2000-04 |
公私部門合夥理論與成功要件之探討 |
孫本初 |
article |
pdf(2309) |
1998-01 |
公共管理理論與實務發展(下) |
孫本初、劉坤億 |
article |
pdf(1220) |
1997-11 |
公共管理理論與實務發展(上) |
孫本初、劉坤億 |
article |
pdf(1185) |
1997-12 |
公共管理理論與實務發展(中) |
孫本初、劉坤億 |
article |
pdf(1553) |
1998-07 |
公共管理發展的新趨勢 |
孫本初 |
article |