Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 926-950 of 981
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-05 Metaphysical idealism revisited CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Plato article web page(213)
2020-03 Transcendental Idealism and the Self-Knowledge Premise CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Chiu Yui Plato article web page(192)
2018 JOHANN GOTTLIEB FICHTE: Ideas on God and Immortality: Lectures on Logic and Metaphysics (translation) CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Chiu Yui Plato、Phillips, Rory L. article web page(247)
2023-03 What Kant should have said about Fichte (but did not) CHIU-YUI-PLATO TSE、Tse, Plato article web page(211)
2022-10 A Preliminary Exploration to the Professional Ethical Practice: Taking the Training in Clinical Psychology as an Example WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-lun article web page(214)
2022-12 Near-Death Experience or the Experience of Rebirth: The Lived Experience of Patients Reporting Altered States of Consciousness in Cardiac Arrest WEI-LUN LEE、楊知憲、Lee, Wei-lun、Yang, Chih Hsien article web page(278)
2022-12 Lyricism and Poetic Edification: On "Xing" as a Common Foundation for Aesthetic and Edification YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article web page(193)
2022-12 Artificial Agential Intelligence HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(285)
2022-10 Demystifying Consciousness and Non-cognitive Theories of Consciousness HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(281)
2022-09 Illusions, Objectivity, and Non-Reductive Emergentism: Reply to Rose HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(227)
2022-12 Perspectival Shapes Are Viewpoint-Dependent Relational Properties HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony、Lin, Yi、Wu, Chen-Wei article web page(254)
2022-11 Taking Conceptual Issues Really Seriously: One Next Step for the Cognitive Science of Consciousness HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony、Tseng, Yi Lin, Philip article web page(232)
2022-06 漢學人學專刊前言 YUAN-TSE LIN article web page(137)
2019-06 哲學:為建立台灣做為未來華人世界的新雅典而努力 YUAN-TSE LIN article web page(252)
2018-11 Sinophone Studies in the International and Interdisciplinary Context: Research Center for Chinese Cultural Subjectivity at National Chengchi University YUAN-TSE LINYUAN-TSE LIN article web page(178)
2023-03 The Philosophical Praxis of Back-to-Experiences: Existential Phenomenological Psychology as the Method to the Philosophy of Care WEI-LUN LEE、Lee, Wei-Lun article web page(235)web page(214)
2022-12 Some Remarks on the Argument for Vijñaptimātratā: A Reply to John Taber CHIH-CHIANG HU、Hu, Chih-chiang article web page(189)
2023-07 Investigating Names, Reality, and Categories in the Xunzi: An Approach from Ethical Wisdom and Skill HUA WANG、HUA WANG article pdf(203)
2023-07 On a Kind of Ethics Which Could Be Developed from Early Heidegger`s Thought WEI-DING TSAIWEI-DING TSAI article pdf(226)
2023-01 「解脫與療癒:佛學與心理學對話」研討會紀要——以實踐經驗取向探尋佛教心理治療的可能形式與內涵 WEI-LUN LEE article web page(188)
2024-05 The Conscious Experience of Being Hypnotized with a Metaphorical Story Script: A Case Study WEI-LUN LEE、 王思涵 article web page(271)
2023-06 Altered States of Experience in Chan Meditation: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Silent Illumination Method from Dharma Drum Mountain WEI-LUN LEE、釋常持、Lee, Wei-lun、Bhikşu, Chang Chi article web page(209)
2023-02 [Book Review] Capturing the Elusive Self HUEI-YING CHENG、Cheng, Tony article web page(173)
2022-12 Ethical Theoretical Reflections on Social Media: Place of the Human Being in the Digital Space WEI-DING TSAIWEI-DING TSAI、Chistyakova, Olga Vasil`evna article web page(186)
2023-04 The Ownmost Potentiality-for-Being as Ought-to-Be WEI-DING TSAIWEI-DING TSAI article web page(170)