Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 651-675 of 730
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-03 Contesting Taipei as a world city JENN-HWAN WANG、Huang, Shuwei、JENN-HWAN WANG article web page(712)
2012-09 2012年中民國總統選舉後的展望 YEAU-TARN LEE、殷瑞宏 article web page(1408)
2013-07 台灣與東亞區域整合 CHEN-YUAN TUNGCHEN-YUAN TUNG article web page(821)
2012-06 發展研究歷久彌新─發展研究特刊序 JENN-HWAN WANGJENN-HWAN WANG article pdf(380)
2015-10 判定預測市場之準確度:單一與合併鑑別模型之比較 戴中擎、池秉聰、林鴻文、CHEN-YUAN TUNG article pdf(707)
2016-08 The Wisdom of Crowds in Action: Forecasting Epidemic Diseases with a Web-based Prediction Market System CHEN-YUAN TUNGCHEN-YUAN TUNGCHEN-YUAN TUNG、Chang, Thomas article pdf(818)
2014-06 新加坡主權基金的中國經驗:天津生態城的故事 HSIAO PONG LIU article web page(549)
2016-06 The Economicization of Cross-Strait Relationship: The Impact of Cross-Strait Economic Relationship on the 2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan CHEN-YUAN TUNGMEI-CHUAN WEI、Hung, Yao-nan、CHEN-YUAN TUNG article web page(766)
2017-01 State Capitalism and Chinese Food Security Governance YI-CHUN LIN、YI-CHUN LIN article pdf(612)
2009-06 “Planting Rice on the Roof of the UN Building: Analyzing Taiwan’s Chinese Techniques in Africa, 1961-present,” HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(341)
2010-06 Book Review: Deborah Brautigam, The Dragon’s Gift: The Real Story of China in Africa HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(435)
2012-03 農技援助之外: 小中國對非洲的大想像 HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(316)
2007-06 從非洲維持美臺聯盟: 重新檢視先鋒案 HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(282)
2012-12 〈書評: Li Anshan, A History of Overseas Chinese in Africa to 1911〉 HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(231)
2005-06 回顧1960年代中華民國農技外交 HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(331)
2009-12 非洲發展援助中的台灣經驗: 馬拉威的故事 HSIAO PONG LIU、HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(314)
2013-12 “Assembling Scholars in the Face of the Enemy:The Prequel to the Institute of International Relations, 1937-1975” (敵前養士:「國際關係研究中心」前傳,1937-1975) HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(514)
2013-04 “Petty Annoyances? Revisiting John Emmanuel Hevi’s An African Student in China after 50 years,” HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(567)
2011-12 “How China’s ‘Trade Not Aid’ Strategy Became Construed As Charitable Help: Deconstructing the ‘Touching’ Idyll of Li Li’s Investment in Africa,” HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(505)
2007 “Reassuring Friendship with Funds: Reviewing US-Taiwan cooperation in Africa during the 1960s,” HSIAO PONG LIU article web page(608)
2016-06 一個刻板印象,兩種不同政策:比較兩岸在非洲的神農們 HSIAO PONG LIU article pdf(485)
2015-06 試論天人合一的武學之道 LI-CHUNG PENG article pdf(510)
2017-05 當代中華文化變遷的省思:中道觀點 LI-CHUNG PENG article pdf(559)
2017-09 An Asian Way to Safeguard Food Security—Transnational Farmland Investment YI-CHUN LIN、YI-CHUN LIN article web page(715)
2017-10 The South China Sea Arbitration and Its Implications for ASEAN Centrality HAO YANG、Yang, Alan H. article pdf(471)