Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 851-875 of 1608
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-09 Are Stock and Real Estate Markets Integrated? An Empirical Study of Six Asian Economies TSO-YU LIN、Lin,Zong-Han、TSO-YU LIN article pdf(1705)
2010-04 台灣都市蔓延之影響因素分析 HSIAO-LAN LIU、許佩漩、YU-HSIN TSAI、Liu,Hsiao-Lan 、Hsu,Pei-Hsuan 、YU-HSIN TSAI article pdf(1007)
2010-08 不同降雨入滲情境對蓮華池集水區水文模擬之影響 莊永忠、廖學誠、吳治達、JIHN-FA JAN、黃正良、Chuang,Yung-Chung 、Liaw,Shyue-Cherng 、Wu,Chih-Da 、JIHN-FA JAN、Hwong,Jeen-Liang article pdf(1010)
2012-09 流域治理與土地倫理之研究-以石門水庫上游集水區的原住民族部落為例 孫稚堤、AI-CHING YEN、Sun,Chih-Ti 、AI-CHING YEN article pdf(959)
2010-12 Further Empirical Examination of an Improved Sales Comparison Approach TZU-CHIN LIN、Liao,Ying-Chih article pdf(1348)
2011-05 Interaction Analysis among Industrial Parks, Innovation Input, and Urban Production Efficiency Ben,Tai-Ming 、Wang,Kuan-Fei article pdf(894)
2008-12 荷治時期臺灣土地倫理之分析—以赤崁一帶原住民土地利用與地權型態變遷為例 AI-CHING YEN、陳立人、AI-CHING YEN、Chen,Li-jen article pdf(736)
2009-03 談黃宗羲的法律與土地思想 張鈺光 article pdf(569)
2009-10 A Refined Chronology of Catastrophic Outflow Events in Ares Vallis, Mars Warnera,Nicholas 、 Guptaa,Sanjeev 、 Mullerb,Jan-Peter 、 Kimb ,Jung-Rack 、 Linb,Shih-Yuan article pdf(977)
2011-07 台北市中古屋價格與法拍屋拍定價格非對稱價格調整行為之研究 江淑玲、蔡明憲、CHIN-OH CHANG、Chiang,Shu-Ling 、SZU-LANG LIAOCHIN-OH CHANG article pdf(988)
2011-07 應用AHP法評估臺灣的行政區域重劃 賴炳樹、JEN-TE PAI article pdf(917)
2012-10 電腦展成功因素與參展網路關係之研究 廖皇傑、TAI-MING BEN article pdf(845)
2011-06 稅收增額融資(TIF)於國內外運用之差異與新出路--大眾捷運建設之財源籌措 蘇偉強、TSUNG-YU LAI article
2011-07 The relationship between green roofs and the thermal environment in Taipei city Sun,C.-Y. article
2012-11 The Thermal Influence of Green Roofs on Air Temperature in Taipei City CHEN-YI SUN article web page(1192)
2010-09 Transmission of Knowledge and the Role of Knowledge Community: Evidence from Bicycle SMEs in Taiwan JEN-TE PAI、Hu,Tai-Shan article
2011 Constraints on the origin and evolution of Iani Chaos, Mars SHIH-YUAN LIN、Gupta,Sanjeev 、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Muller,Jan-Peter 、Corre,Lucille Le 、Morley,Jeremy 、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、McGonigle,Chris article pdf(1181)
2010-06 Retreat of a giant cataract in a long-lived (3.7 Ga - 2.6 Ga) martian outflow channel SHIH-YUAN LIN、Gupta,Sanjeev 、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、Muller,Jan-Peter、SHIH-YUAN LIN article pdf(1154)
2011-03 Late Noachian to Hesperian Climate Change on Mars: Evidence of Episodic Warming from Transient Crater Lakes near Ares Vallis SHIH-YUAN LIN、Gupta,Sanjeev 、Lin,Shih-Yuan 、SHIH-YUAN LIN、Muller,Jan-Peter 、Morley,Jeremy、SHIH-YUAN LIN article pdf(1263)
2009-09 The Development of Industrial Parks in Taiwan SHIH-JUNG HSU、 Liao,Li-Min article
2010-05 Enhancement of the predictive accuracy in logistic regression model by optimal threshold TSO-YU LIN、Yang,Hsien-Chueh Peter 、Chen,Tsung-Hao article web page(1252)
2010-07 不動產證券化信託資產價值評估之研究-資訊揭露內涵與時效性 YING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANG article web page(944)
1993-02 不動產估價人員系統行為偏誤檢驗-以市場比較法為例 YING-HUI CHIANGYING-HUI CHIANG article web page(1317)
2001-10 台灣住宅空間增建行為之調查 宋鴻麒、曾亮、CHEN-YI SUN、王韡儒 article web page(1126)
1994-11 綠建築設計之原生植物圖鑑資料庫與設計流程建構 李鎨翰、卓雯雯、CHEN-YI SUN、陳震宇、陳瑞鈴、Lee,Soen-Han 、Chou,Wen-Wen 、CHEN-YI SUN、Chen,Chen-Yu 、Chen,Jui-Ling article