Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 251-271 of 271
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013-07 論《包法利夫人》中懶抑的過激主義 KATARZYNA STACHURAKATARZYNA STACHURA article pdf(182)
2021-12 The Experience of Time in Flaubert’s Sentimental Education KATARZYNA STACHURAKATARZYNA STACHURA article pdf(180)
2021-06 Between ‘East’ and ‘West’: Goethe’s World Literature, the Question of Nation, and the Post-National in Yoko Tawada’s novel Memoirs of a Polar Bear MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI article pdf(271)
2021-05 中西文化對比:探討風水-人與環境和諧共存 WEN-CHUN LAN、Lan, Wenchun article pdf(224)
2021-08 Die Problematik von Erkrankung, Tabu und Autobiografie. Masken- und andere Spiele in Richard Wagners Herr Parkinson MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI article pdf(264)
2022-06 Dimensions of Investigation, the De-mythification of Historical Memory, and the Representation of Heroism in Riña de Gatos. Madrid 1936 by Eduardo Mendoza CHUNG-YING YANGCHUNG-YING YANG article web page(191)
2022-07 A problem of judging. The question of human rights in J. Bernlef’s novel Out of mind MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI article web page(164)
2022-05 Las perifrasis verbales: estructuras enganosas (西班牙文的"誤導性動詞詞組"研究) WEN-CHUN LANWEN-CHUN LAN article web page(143)
2022-12 Analyzing the Translation Strategies of the English and Spanish Editions of Stories of the Sahara through Annotations MENG-HSUAN KUMENG-HSUAN KU article pdf(214)
2022-11 Veinte años y un día: Reconstrucción de la memoria, de la histoira y del arte CHUNG-YING YANGCHUNG-YING YANG article web page(151)
2023-06 西班牙文中代詞式動詞(有代動詞)之翻譯問題研究 WEN-CHUN LAN、Lan, Estela article web page(206)
2023-07 Editorial: East Asia and Europe between Innovation and Tradition, Literary and Literally MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、Windberger, Eva-Maria article web page(120)
2022-09 德國柏林民族學博物館南亞暨東南亞部門典藏臺灣文物概覽 SHAO-JI YAO article web page(102)
2023-12 由諾貝爾文學獎出發,探討翻譯作品面臨的挑戰 YAO-CHUEH JUAN article web page(74)
2024-03 清末南臺灣民族學標本前往德國之路─以Georg Kleinwächter捐贈德國柏林民族學博物館的藏品為例 SHAO-JI YAO article web page(95)
2023-10 Innovation for Tradition - Using the Translation of Grimms' Fairy Tales into Taiwanese as an Example AN-NIE HSU、Hsu, An-Nie article web page(66)
2023-12 Categorías culturales de Richard D. Lewis WEN-CHUN LAN、Lan, Estela article web page(103)
2023-12 法文關係子句中譯之句法模型化 YUN-ANN LEE、Lee, Yun-ann article web page(66)
2024-03 巴斯卡‧基亞—儒雅低調的人文主義學家 導讀 YAO-CHUEH JUAN article web page(62)
2024-05 Exploration of Gender, Science Fiction and Social Justice in Tears in the Rain(Lágrimas en la lluvia) by Rosa Montero CHUNG-YING YANGCHUNG-YING YANG article web page(40)
2024-07 La inteligencia artificial (IA) como ayuda y no único sustituto en la traducción(人工智慧對中西翻譯之幫助與研究) WEN-CHUN LAN、Lan, Estela article web page(35)