Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 601-625 of 692
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-04 族群、地權、發展--斐濟經驗之探討 DA-WEI KUAN article pdf(493)
2015 The local moral world and agricultural activities of the committed organic farmer: A case study from an Atayal Community in Shilei, Jianshi Township, Xinzhu 羅恩加、Ru, Hung-yu、Lo, En-chia article pdf(369)
2016-12 Mopo, Mama, Niangniang and I: Reflecting on Fieldwork Experiences and Knowledge Production of Zhuang Ritual Study YA-NING KAO、YA-NING KAO article pdf(478)
2017-06 Discussion and Reflection on Zhuang Staged Moedlaenz Performance in Guangxi under Policies regarding Intangible Cultural Heritage in China YA-NING KAO、YA-NING KAO article pdf(511)
2017-06 從"新疆維吾爾自治區去極端化條例"看大陸民族政策 ZHU-CHENG ZHAO article web page(493)
2017-04 從道歉、和解到正義實現:談以國土計劃落實原住民族土地權之可能 DA-WEI KUAN article pdf(606)
2017-07 是荒野還是彼岸?從生態觀的差異談原民狩獵的爭議 DA-WEI KUAN article web page(593)
2017-06 穆斯林“辱教案”的歷史回顧與當代反思 CHUNG-FU CHANG article pdf(1312)
2017 Brick Tea in Mongolia MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN article web page(735)
2017-10 從與鄰關係看現代蒙古的生存之道 MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN article pdf(485)
2017-12 夏威夷的主權運動 DA-WEI KUAN、Kuan, Da-Wei article pdf(587)
2017-12 The law relating to hunting and gathering rights in the traditional territories of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples Charlton, Guy C、Gao, Xiang、DA-WEI KUAN、Kuan, Da-Wei article web page(694)
2017-12 原住民族與災害管理-以加拿大為例 DA-WEI KUAN、Kuan, Da-Wei article pdf(433)
2010-01 從百家爭鳴到合而為一--檢視馬來(西)亞國民中學歷史教育與歷史教科書的演變 LEE-LAN WONG article web page(309)
2009-09 離島淨空與平原移住:荷蘭東印度公司的臺灣原住民聚落遷移政策 康培德、Kang, Peter article pdf(219)
2018 夏威夷的主權運動 DA-WEI KUAN article pdf(470)
2018-06 政治與宗教的競合:後蘇時期烏茲別克伊斯蘭為例之探討 ZHU-CHENG ZHAO、Zhao, Zhu-cheng article pdf(354)
2018-04 排灣族織布的復振 パイワン族織物の復興 許素芬 article pdf(1353)
2018-08 Отношения России со странами Центральной Азии ZHU-CHENG ZHAO、Чжао, Чжу-чэн article pdf(331)
2018-12 Decolonizing Property in Taiwan: Challenging hegemonic constructions of property DA-WEI KUAN、YI-SHIUAN CHEN、Kuan, Da-Wei、 Chen, Yayut Yi-Shiuan、 Suchet-Pearson, Sandie、 Howitt, Richard article web page(835)
2015-05 Minority Youth, Mobile Phones and Language Use: Wa Migrant Workers’ Engagements with Networked Sociality and Mobile Communication in Urban China TZU KAI LIU、Liu, Tzu-kai article pdf(192)
2015-12 恭敬的實踐及其政治:中國西南邊境地區佤族人的南傳佛教信仰與階序動態 TZU KAI LIU、Liu, Tzu-kai article pdf(199)
2017-07 Networked Sociality of Migrant Workers: Mobile Connectivity, Narrative and Network among Wa Migrant Youth TZU KAI LIU、Liu, Tzu-kai article pdf(299)
2019-03 Studying Legend from Past to Present: Review of Academician Yih-Yuan Li`s Research on "Myth and Legend" TZU KAI LIU、Liu, Tzu-kai article pdf(261)
2000-06 「尋找成吉思汗」後續報導--遠征隊蒙古送行記 MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN article