Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 651-675 of 692
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-06 Climate change and conflict: Global insecurity and the road less traveled COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney article pdf(233)
2017-03 Climate change mitigation, land grabbing and conflict: towards a landscape-based and collaborative action research agenda COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney article pdf(211)
2017-02 Forest Islands and Castaway Communities: REDD and Forest Restoration in Prey Lang Forest”. Special Issue, “REDD : Politics, Interplays and Impacts COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney article pdf(235)
2018-09 Forest plantations and climate change discourses: New powers of "green` grabbing in Cambodia COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney、ArnimScheidel article pdf(189)
2017-05 Inside and outside the maps: mutual accommodation and forest destruction in Cambodia COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney、Thuon, Ratha article pdf(224)
2018-08 Linking climate change strategies and land conflicts in Cambodia: Evidence from the Greater Aural region COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney、CarolHunsberger article pdf(202)
2019-01 Maladaptation and development as usual? Investigating climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in Cambodia COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney article pdf(185)
2016.03 Mapping the Srok: The mimesis of land titling in Cambodia COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney、Beban, ourtney Alice article pdf(151)
2014-01 Sacred Bribes and Violence Deferred: Buddhist ritual in rural Cambodia COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney article pdf(216)
2014-01 The Spirits are Crying: Dispossessing land and possessing bodies in rural Cambodia COURTNEY KATHERINE WORK、Work, Courtney、Beban, Alice article pdf(212)
2020-12 Land and justice from the indigenous perspective: a study on the Tayal philosophy of “sbalay” DA-WEI KUAN、Kuan, Da-Wei、Charlton, Guy C. article pdf(234)
2021-03 Autonomy of the Church and Nation-Building: On the Process of Independence of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine ZHU-CHENG ZHAO、Zhao, Zhu-cheng article pdf(221)
2021-01 二十世紀蒙古獨立建國的三件大事 MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN book/chapter pdf(217)
2020-08 從學生核心能力報告出發看個案大學核心課程與書院教育之學習成效 MEI-HUA LANYU-HUI CHEN、 刘基全、MEI-HUA LAN article web page(316)
2019-04 原住民族重點學校新校園運動的推動 CHI-PING HUANG article pdf(234)
2020-08 原住民族無形文化資產的保存與維護 CHI-PING HUANG article pdf(350)
2021-06 族語文學獎十四年第七屆:彷彿國中生接受會考的檢驗 CHI-PING HUANG article pdf(373)
2020-02 族語聚會所與族語學習營 CHI-PING HUANG article pdf(378)
2019-02 原住民族的人名體系:「還我姓名」的抉擇 CHI-PING HUANG article pdf(295)
2021-07 從九年一貫到十二年國教的原住民族語文領域綱要 YA-PING WANG article web page(231)
2020-12 冰雪奇盟?中俄關係與北極外交之政治經濟分析 ZHU-CHENG ZHAOTSE-KANG LENG、Zhao, Zhu-cheng、TSE-KANG LENG article web page(295)
2021-12 現代化在內蒙古的體現與意義 MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN article web page(188)
2008-04 〈華夏邊緣〉前後 NAI-HUA CHEN article web page(142)
2015-06 「族群」與「邊界」所延伸的斷想:弗雷德理克.巴斯(Fredrik Barth)主編《族群與邊界—文化差異下的社會組織》評介 NAI-HUA CHEN article web page(170)
2012-02 "阿里去底著?"當代唐卡藝人的生存狀態 NAI-HUA CHEN article web page(175)