Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 2501-2525 of 2581
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-04 論強制執行程序中對執行名義實體爭執之救濟 CHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(165)
2022-02 以比特幣吸「睛」的刑法管制--兼評臺灣高等法院107年度金上訴字第83號判決 SHENG-CHIEH LEE article web page(362)
2023-01 A Preliminary Study on the First Multilateral Trade Agreement regarding the Ocean Sustainability under the WTO--Fisheries Subsidies Agreement CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(246)
2021-06 德國《空間規劃法》和海洋空間規劃 CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(170)
2022-04 A Study on the Development of the BBNJ Negotiations and Its Current Challenges CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(165)
2021-06 論蘇伊士運河國際航道的國際法地位 CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(159)
2021-11 上訴不可分之限縮--最高法院刑事大法庭109年度台上大字第3426號裁定 YUN-HUA YANG article web page(209)
2022-01 The Direction of the Amendment to Deal with the Accused with Mental Illnesses Properly YUN-HUA YANG、Yang, Yun-hua article web page(178)
2020-04 車手強制工作與想像競合--評最高法院刑事大法庭108年度台上大字第2306號裁定 YUN-HUA YANG article web page(185)
2021-12 裁判憲法審查與刑事法--以德國聯邦憲法法院為例 YUN-HUA YANG article web page(193)
2022-12 Restorative justice in Taiwan and its challenges JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(181)
2022-09 Toward a \"Compound\" Approach: A Critical Review of the Parole System in the United State JU-YUAN HSIEH、林俊儒、JU-YUAN HSIEH、Lin, Jun-ru article web page(178)
2022-11 修復的司法の法制化及び刑事司法との連動 : 台湾におけるRJ の実践 JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(208)
2022-05 禁止強制工作對國家刑罰權運作界限的意義與反思--從釋字812號談起 JU-YUAN HSIEH article web page(157)
2022-05 Current Development of Fisheries Subsidies Regulations after the Failure of WTO Doha Round Negotiations with a Focus on the Asia-Pacific Region CHEN-JU CHEN、CHEN-JU CHEN article web page(142)
2022-12 Is Abortion a Human Right or an Action of Murder? Who Decides?--Reviewing the History of the U.S. Supreme Court`s Abortion Jurispurdence YUAN-HAO LIAO、Liao, Bruce Yuan-hao article web page(158)
2022-12 國家主權豁免--2012德國訴義大利案2022又一章 YAO-MING HSU、YAO-MING HSU article web page(130)
2023-03 國際水道:國際法院2022年智利訴玻利維亞案 YAO-MING HSU、YAO-MING HSU article web page(185)
2019-04 A Study on Legal Admissibility of Expropriation Regarding the Land Required for the Public-private Partnership: Focusing on Public Interest Requirement CHEN-JUNG CHANCHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(180)
2022-10 Reflection and Development on Traditional Doctrines of Administrative Law - Administrative Penalty, Adverse Action of Punitive and Non-punitive Nature CHEN-JUNG CHANCHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(201)
2022-10 法官及檢察官懲戒訴訟中違失行為之追加--職務法庭相關裁判評析 CHEN-JUNG CHANCHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(192)
2022-11 懲戒權行使期間之準據法--懲戒法院職務法庭111年度懲上字第2號懲戒判決評析 CHEN-JUNG CHANCHEN-JUNG CHAN article web page(187)
2023-05 無因管理與好意施惠關係–評最高法院107年度台上字第136號民事判決 CHIEN-WEI WANG article web page(195)
2023-03 La réparation du dommage numérique à Taiwan YAO-MING HSU、YAO-MING HSU article
2023-06 因判決不備理由而提起第三審上訴 CHENG-HSIEN HSU article web page(82)