Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 376-400 of 543
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-06 正常與不正常的臨界點—試論王幼華〈超人阿A〉 黃信洋 article web page(1223)
1994 「誰的公平?誰的正義?」從土地增值稅爭議談公平與權力之關係 PING-YIN KUAN article web page(1222)
2001 Labor Importation and Unemployment of Local Workers in Taiwan Tsay, Ching-Lung、JI-PING LIN article web page(1654)
2000 Labour Migration and Allocation of Human Resources: the Cases of Return and Onward Movements Tsay, Ching-Lung、JI-PING LIN article web page(1478)
2008-04 身體‧運動‧社會學—論布迪厄的競賽實作邏輯 黃信洋 article web page(1039)
2009-04 多重認同的社會思想考察 黃信洋 article web page(913)
2006-06 社會如何形塑心理系統? 黃信洋、Huang, Shinn-Young article pdf(809)
2007-12 在「讀書人」的世界裡「看書」——評《凝視、行動與社會世界》 黃信洋 article pdf(332)
2006-07 在真實與想像之間夢遊—試論林燿德〈惡地形〉一文的幻與真 黃信洋 article pdf(831)
2011-09 宗教、社會運動與民主化 —左翼社會主義、自由派還是伊斯蘭主義? 劉育成 article pdf(458)
2013-04 Mob-ility: The social psychological foundation of online rabbling HOU-MING HUANGHOU-MING HUANGHOU-MING HUANG article pdf(785)
2014-02 Prematurity and school readiness in a nationally representative sample of Australian children: Does typically occurring preschool moderate the relationship Chen, Jen Hao、JEN-HAO CHEN、Msall, M.E.、Claessens, A. article pdf(769)
2015-04 台灣及東亞青少年的成長歷程:評 The Psychological Well-being of East Asian Youth PING-YIN KUAN article pdf(876)
2015-05 建構TEPS-B Panel 1 SH樣本2009年調查完訪成功樣本的機率權數 PING-YIN KUAN、Jie-Sheng Jan article pdf(590)
2014-10 Continuity and Changes in the Timing and Formation of First Marriage Among Postwar Birth Cohorts in Taiwan NAI-SHING YENHSIN-MU CHENHSIN-MU CHEN article web page(1287)
2011-01 Do Canadian power-sharing agreements with first nations peoples hold lessons for Taiwan? Karalekas, Dean、康迪恩 article pdf(826)
2007-08 Social segregation and the health care of female immigrants in Taiwan Hsiao, Y.-L.、林淑玲、Lin, Shu-Ling article pdf(663)
2013-02 The impact of multilevel factors on technology integration: the case of Taiwanese grade 1?? teachers and schools PING-YIN KUANPING-YIN KUAN、Hsu, Shihkuan article pdf(899)
2012 生態城規劃的理論與實踐——以奉化溪口鎮為例 HSIAO-HUNG CHEN article pdf(570)
2012 學術評等的光與影 PING-YIN KUAN article pdf(700)
2013 歐洲生態型小城鎮規劃的實踐與啟示 HSIAO-HUNG CHEN article pdf(650)
2011-03 晚清寓華「洋貴婦」的社會參與-以上海天足會(1895-1906)為中心的探討 YEN-WEI MIAOYEN-WEI MIAO article pdf(551)
2015 “Mobile” Phones: The Time/Space and Society/Individual in the Liquid Modernity HOU-MING HUANGHOU-MING HUANG、Tsao, Chia-Rong、曹家榮 article pdf(834)
2015-01 Globalization and Development in East Asia HSIAO-HUNG CHENHSIAO-HUNG CHEN article pdf(904)
2015-06 理性的激情之心:韋伯的現代性精神新詮 KUO-KUEI KAO、KUO-KUEI KAO article pdf(670)