Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 226-250 of 644
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2012-12 Bivariate Generalized Gamma Distributions of Kibble`s Type LI-SHYA CHENLI-SHYA CHENLI-SHYA CHEN、Linc, Chien-Tai article web page(1094)
2012-11 Effects of Measurement Error on Process Signal Detection SU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANG、 Yang,Chung-Ming 、 Cheng, Ging-Yun article web page(1198)
2013-10 An Improved Distribution Free EWMA Mean Chart SU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANG article web page(1263)
2013-03 中國經濟不均衡發展與社會抗爭 SHINN-SHYR WANG article web page(1224)
2012-12 High-Efficiency Broadband Anomalous Reflection by Gradient Meta-surface 郭光宇、Guo,Guang-Yu article web page(1601)
2013-03 Risk assessment of a portfolio selection model based on a fuzzy statistical test BER-LIN WU、LIN, Pei-Chun 、 WATADA, Junzo 、BER-LIN WU article web page(1512)
2013-11 Identifying the distribution difference between two populations of fuzzy data based on a nonparametric statistical method BER-LIN WU article web page(1351)
2012-04 The Dynamic Model for Cancer Relapse Based on Two-stage Model of Carcinogenesis 高立箴、LI-SHYA CHEN、Kao, Lie-Jane、LI-SHYA CHEN article pdf(1218)
2008-06 國民中學組織變革意識型態影響變革品質路徑之研究 黃乃熒、LI-SHYA CHEN、Whang, Nai-ying、LI-SHYA CHEN article pdf(906)
2011-06 Optimal Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs for Location Main Effects with Dispersion Factors 張富凱、CHAO-PING TING、Chang, Fu-Ka、CHAO-PING TING article pdf(1265)
2010 D-optimal two-level fractional factorial designs of resolution III with two dispersion factors CHAO-PING TINGCHAO-PING TING article pdf(1194)
2009-12 Optimal two-level fractional factorial designs with pure dispersion factors CHAO-PING TINGCHAO-PING TING article pdf(1167)
2005-01 A-optimal and efficient diallel cross experiments for comparing test treatments with a control 徐永豐、CHAO-PING TING、Hsu, Yung-Feng、CHAO-PING TING article pdf(1410)
2009-09 Monitoring Cascade Processes using VSI EWMA control charts SU-FEN YANG、Yu, Yi-Ning、SU-FEN YANG、Yu, Yi-Ning article pdf(1186)
2009-04 Controlling over-adjusted process means and variances using VSI casue selecting control charts SU-FEN YANG、Chen, Wan-Yun、SU-FEN YANG、Chen, Wan-Yun article pdf(1008)
2009-03 Improvement inconsistency of the metallic film thickness of computer connectors SU-FEN YANG、林共進、洪祖全、SU-FEN YANG、Lin,Dennis K.J.、Hung, Tzu-Chen article pdf(1281)
2006-03 多注頭製程的管制方法 SU-FEN YANG、 葉建宏、SU-FEN YANG、Yeh, Chien-Hung article pdf(775)
2011-10 應用變異數縮減技巧估計極值相依下之組合信用風險 施明儒、HUI-MEI LIU、林永忠 article pdf(1066)
2011-06 Bayesian Inference for credit Risk with Serially Dependent Factor Model 張揖平、游智惇、HUI-MEI LIU、Chang, Yi-Ping、Yu, Chih-Tun、Liu, Huimei article pdf(1460)
2009-12 極端值方法在風險值估計的績效評估 HUI-MEI LIU、黃向義、Liu, Hui-Mei、Huang, Hsiang-Yi article pdf(1047)
2009-02 Two-stage analysis for gene-environment interaction utilizing both case-only and family-based analysis 程毅豪、林惠文、HUI-MEI LIU、Chen, Yi-Hau、Lin, Hui-Wen、Liu, Huimei article pdf(1348)
2013.07 A Multiple-Community Overlap Measure based on a Probabilistic Approach CHING-SYANG YUECHING-SYANG YUE、Clayton, Murray K. article pdf(1234)
2013.03 A duality relation between the workload and attained waiting time in FCFS G/G/s queues YI-CHING YAO、YI-CHING YAO article pdf(1110)
2013.05 變動抽樣間隔均方誤差管制圖設計 YU-TING CHENGYU-TING CHENG、 Yang,Chih-Ching article pdf(1033)
2013.10 Design of EWMA Control Charts for Controlling Dependent Process Stages with Attribute Data SU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANGSU-FEN YANG、 Lee, Keon Myung article web page(1284)