Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 101-125 of 1002
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1994-10 國民財富累積、移轉與分配 WEI - LIN MAO article
1992-01 台灣製造業總生產要素生產力及其變動原因之分析 WEN-FU LEE article
2000-09 從我國加入WTO談銀行風險管理趨勢 曾令寧、JEN-TE HWANG article
2001-12 新式巴賽爾資本協定 曾令寧、JEN-TE HWANG article
2007-02-01 A \"Managerial\" Trade Union and Economic Growth MING-FU SHAW article pdf(2524)
2008-02 Interest-rate rules and transitional dynamics in an endogenously growing open economy MING-FU SHAW、Chen, Shu-hua 、\r\nShaw, Ming-fu 、\r\nLai, Ching-chong 、\r\nChang, Juin-jen article pdf(1478)
2004 Urban Land Use and Housing in an Endogenous Growing Monocentric City CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1353)
1999-03 An Estimation of Elasticities of Consumption Demand and Investment Demand for Owner-Occupied CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1533)
2000-06 Life Cycle Mortgage Payment and Forced Saving CHU-CHIA LINCHU-CHIA LIN、Chen,Chien-Liang、 Lin,Sue-Jing article pdf(1492)
2005-06 Development of China-Hong Kong CEPA and Its Impact on Taiwan CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(2800)
2004-06 Unemployment Income Inequality and Structure Change: The Case of Taiwan CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1058)
2003-06 An Evalustion of Taiwan`s Economic Preference after 2000 CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1693)
1992-12 台灣地區人口結構變動對失業率的影響:1978-1990年 JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(941)
2006-03 對外投資與勞動結構調整:臺灣的實證分析 CHU-CHIA LINCHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(951)
1995-03 An Economic View on the Political Stability Along the Taiwan Strait over the Independence/Unification Issue SHU G. WANG article pdf(957)
2002-09 臺灣失業率的轉換機率與預測--馬可夫轉換模型的應用 JEN-TE HWANG、林彥伶、JEN-TE HWANG、Lin, Yen-ling article pdf(1546)
1994-04 兩岸經貿回顧與展望 CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(956)
1994-03 臺灣地區的公共投資與區域發展 JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(1498)
1994-05 企業福利、社會安全與經濟成長 JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(909)
1994-10 臺灣勞動市場變化對經濟的影響 JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(1278)
1999-06 二十一世紀台灣勞動政策的省思 JEN-TE HWANG article pdf(1601)
2001-02 臺灣地區住宅供給彈性之估計 CHU-CHIA LIN、Lin,Sue-Jing、CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(1080)
2002-02 臺灣地區餘屋存量影響因素之分析 CHU-CHIA LINCHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(867)
2004-12 九二一地震災後個別住宅重建動態資料分析及其成果檢討 陳建良、CHU-CHIA LIN、Chen,Chien-Liang、CHU-CHIA LIN article pdf(981)
1994-01 臺灣地區住宅需求價格彈性與所得彈性之估計 CHU-CHIA LIN、林素菁、CHU-CHIA LIN、Lin,Sue-Jing article pdf(2425)