Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 251-275 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005 Source Domains as Concept Domains in Metaphorical Expression SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(432)
2005 A Communicative Approach to Teaching Grammar: Theory and Practice SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(3409)
2006.02 視覺與觸覺的辯證接合:班雅民的閒遊者、視覺衝擊與神經支配 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(693)
2006.09 恆常與無常:論朱天心 古都中的空間、身體與政治經濟學 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(558)
2011.06 認同政治的幽靈 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(545)
2006.07 愛是不可能的禮物:人欲在王家衛電影橫流 SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article pdf(1032)
2000.08 叛國的欲望:雙面諜的祕密認同 SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article web page(687)
2000.12 不可(不)宣佈不獨立:以別名之名 SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article web page(1050)
2004.11 不死鬼: 德希達的禮物 SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article web page(1074)
1995.07 閱讀魅影:論德希達的繼承慾望與介入性閱讀 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article web page(904)
1996.10 我被決定故我在?:論傅科與拉崗的主體觀 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article web page(983)
2002.01 「記憶失控錯置的擬相」:李昂 自傳の小說中的記憶與救贖 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(1222)
2010.12 尋找在場的生命倫理學:讀子安宣邦近代日本與兩種倫理學有感 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article web page(927)
2010.06 反胃的社會主義?:論辛克萊 叢林的生命政治 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(861)
2001.12 在公眾服飾的遮蔽中彰顯的私密真實:以希利雅德於1591年為唐恩所繪的纖細畫像為例 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(510)
2009.06 Salvation through a Literary Education: Biblical Interpretation and the Trivium in Piers Plowman CHIH-HSIN LINCHIH-HSIN LIN article pdf(1264)
2001 Henry Willobie CHIH-HSIN LINCHIH-HSIN LIN article web page(1664)
2010.01 International teachers`` cross-cultural teaching stories: A tragic comedy? YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG article pdf(1282)
2009.06 English-only Instruction in Post-secondary Education in Taiwan: Voices from Students YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG article pdf(963)
2006.01 Metaphors and experiencing teaching YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG article pdf(925)
2013.06 Le vertige de l``hyperbole``: Baudelaire Longinus and the Poetics of Excess SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(971)
2010.12 Education as a Pharmakon in Mary Shelley``s Frankenstein. SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(1058)
2009.02 Review of Metaphor by David Punter SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(1170)
2006.09 Derrida``s Deconstruction and the Rhetoric of Proper Genres in Leonardo and Lessing. SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(1076)
2000.03 The Peregrination of Dissociation: "The Unfortunate Traveller" in the Symbolic Cartography of Nation-building SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article web page(1242)