Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 276-300 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000.10 Translation and the Possibility of Globality: Derrida on Benjamin on Translation SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article web page(1140)
1998.09 The Founding Moment: The Formation of Nation and the Spectrality of Empire in \"Henry V\" SHUAN-HUNG WUSHUAN-HUNG WU article web page(1166)
2010.07 Interlanguage Spoken Discourse -- An Exploratory Study in Discourse Markers/遠東通識學報 MEI-LIN LEEMEI-LIN LEE article pdf(950)
2010.06 以英文為外語學習者口語中之規避語初探/遠東學報 MEI-LIN LEEMEI-LIN LEE article pdf(931)
2010 Do they want the same thing?\" Leaner Perspectives on Two Content-Based Course Designs in the Context of English as a Foreign Language. CHUAN CHIEH CHENGCHUAN CHIEH CHENG article pdf(1058)
2007 Improving Interaction and Feedback in Asian EFL Composition Classes: A Case Study on Combining Computer Mediated Communication with Face-to-Face Interaction in the English Composition Class. CHUAN CHIEH CHENGCHUAN CHIEH CHENG article pdf(1564)
2007 Student perceptions of interactive drama activities. CHUAN CHIEH CHENGCHUAN CHIEH CHENG article pdf(1119)
1981 A Case Grammar Analysis of the Lithuanian Predicate Nominal CHIEN-CHING MO、Mo, Chien-Ching article pdf(761)
1994 Carnival as Symbolic Inversion and Transgression in Cat``s Cradle CHIEN-CHI LIUCHIEN-CHI LIU article pdf(722)
2008.04 以英語為母語之華語學生“把”字句中介與之研究 LI-YI HUANG、LI-YI HUANG article pdf(1097)
2007.09 An Overview of the Goals of Cultural Instruction in Formal English Curricula in Taiwan 李路得、Lee, Lu-de article pdf(1137)
2004.01 Chinese college students’ use of English tenses in conversational discourse and its implication for language teaching 李路得、Lee, Lu-de article web page(1195)
2004.01 The analysis of textual signaling function of English idiomatic phrases in TV news 李路得、Lee, Lu-de article web page(1739)
2012-01 「影像消費與通俗文化」總結 YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article pdf(987)
2013 Metaphor of Travel: Virginia Woolf`s Orlando (1928). CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article pdf(765)
2014-09 Mimicked gestures and the joint construction of meaning in conversation KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai article pdf(1288)
2014.09 Inner Contradictions in English-medium Instruction in Higher Education: From An Activity Theory Perspective. YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG article pdf(919)
2014-06 Teaching Content Via English: A Qualitative Case Study of Taiwanese University Instructors` Instruction. YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG article pdf(827)
2011-04 Visions of Power and Dispossession: Emerson, Whitman and the ‘Robust Soul’ JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN、JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article pdf(1023)
2010-07 The Metempsychotic Mind: Emerson and Consciousness JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN、JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article pdf(978)
2014-09 A Corpus-based Investigation of Malay Antonymous Prepositions Bawah:Atasand Dalam:Luar. SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(1107)
2012-03 Disrupting Flow: Seinfeld, Sopranos Series Finale and the Aesthetic of Anxiety JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN、JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article pdf(1043)
2009-01 邱琪爾《頂尖女子》中負面的自我實現 TSUI-FEN JIANGTSUI-FEN JIANG article pdf(866)
2010-01 翻譯、番易、褪色的現代主義:以王文興《家變》英譯本為例 CHIEN-CHI LIUCHIEN-CHI LIU article pdf(1998)
2009 To choose or not? That is the question of memberships Sun, Ching Min、Wu, Cynthia H.F. article pdf(1120)