Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 351-375 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997-12 換個方式來旅行寫作 CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article web page(479)
2000-03 女性與面紗:《朱莉,或新伊珞絲》, CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article web page(567)
2001 遊牧書寫──朱天心《漫遊者》, CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article web page(504)
1996-12 或父或狼或散文或小說-讀簡媜《女兒紅》 CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article web page(445)
1998-03 鉛筆與橡皮的愛情:書信的形式與內容 CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article web page(613)
1999-09 卡夫卡情書審判 CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article web page(531)
2006-09 移動在想念蔓延時, CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU book/chapter web page(487)
2001-10 風格的誕生:《高塔》, CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article pdf(385)
1996-05 Private Letters, Public Reading: Pamela, CHIN-YUAN HUCHIN-YUAN HU article pdf(684)
2015-05 Its Prohibitive Cost: The Bicycle, the New Woman and Conspicuous Display. YIN-I CHEN article pdf(438)
2015-12 Codas of Creation: Emanation Mysticism and Alchemical Regeneration in Terrence Malick’s The Tree of Life JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article pdf(809)
2016-07 Encoding Yoknapatawpha: Considering Faulkner in the Information Age JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN、JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article web page(385)
2017-01 Sourceless Sunlight: Faulkner’s Sanctuary and the Sacrificial Crisis JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN、JOHN MICHAEL CORRIGAN article
2011.09 An analysis of the (im)perfectivity of do2/den2 (著) in Hakka: Interaction of lexical semantics and construction 李詩敏、HUEI-LING LAI、Li, Shih-Min、Lai, Huei-Ling article pdf(796)
2015-09 《毀了》中毀壞的身體和生命的吶喊 TSUI-FEN JIANG article web page(780)
2015-12 A Corpus-based Comparison of Near-Synonymous Adjectives in General English and in Academic Writing SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(641)
2015-12 In Praise of Hurry: Mansfield Park YIH DAU WU article pdf(434)
2016-06 語料庫導向之方位短句於固定框架的共現概念及介係詞統計分析 趙逢毅、SIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(470)
2015-12 行動金融服務的科技挑戰與未來想像 TZU-CHIEH TSAI、TZU-CHIEH TSAI article pdf(473)
2016-06 The impact of e-retailer characteristics on initiating mobile retail services: A modular innovation perspective HAO-CHUN CHUANG、YEN-CHUN CHOU、HAO-CHUN CHUANG、Shao, Benjamin B. article web page(902)
2016-06 數位學習新發展與圖書館新服務 MEI-LING WANG、MEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANGMEI-LING WANG article pdf(967)
2007-06 德國近代史的奠基──蘭克《普魯士史》導論 WHEI-MING CHOUWHEI-MING CHOU article pdf(664)
2000-10 對話想像: 翻譯、衍譯、《魯拜集》 CHIEN-CHI LIUCHIEN-CHI LIU article pdf(270)
2016-02 Students’ Perceptions of Reading Popular Fiction in an EFL Classroom LI-YUAN HSU、LI-YUAN HSU article web page(636)
2016-06 Fostering Students’ Intercultural Competence in an EFL Classroom: A Case Study of Students’ Perceptions on Digital Storytelling LI-YUAN HSU、LI-YUAN HSU article pdf(439)