Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 376-400 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016 Understanding ethnic visibility through language use: the case of Taiwan Hakka HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling article web page(844)
2016-09 Indifference in Sense and Sensibility YIH DAU WU、YIH DAU WU article pdf(413)
2016-10 希臘經典的再現與再思──讀呂健忠新譯《尤瑞匹底斯全集I》 CHIEN-CHI LIU article web page(734)
2016-08 Rather Above Her Station’: Dress and Mass Fashion in George Gissing’s In the Year of Jubilee. YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(680)
2017-01 Entity metaphor, object gesture, and context of use KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai article web page(726)
2016 Its Prohibitive Cost: The Bicycle, the New Woman and Conspicuous Display. YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(842)
2016-12 Power Femininity’ and Popular Women’s Magazine in China. YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article pdf(586)
2017 Understanding ethnic visibility through language use: the case of Taiwan Hakka Lai, Huei Ling、HUEI-LING LAI article web page(832)
2016-11 `The light that never was on sea or land`: William Wordsworth in America and Emily Dickinson`s `Frostier` Style` LI-HSIN HSU、LI-HSIN HSU article web page(704)
2017 Production of mental state terms in narratives of Mandarin-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder WEN-HUI SAH、Torng, Pao-chuan、WEN-HUI SAH、童寶娟 article web page(716)
2014-04 Thomas De Quincey``s ``Serpentine`` Writing and Emily Dickinson``s Reptiles LI-HSIN HSU article pdf(219)
2014-12 意識形態批判之必要:從于治中意識形態的幽靈得到的些許發想 YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(298)
2015-02 Interactive Voices between James Joyce and Robert Anton Wilson BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS article pdf(334)
2016-06 Setting a Table Round: Stone, Wood, Cardboard, and Space-Age Plastic (Transformations in the Presentation of the Establishment of the Round Table in Arthurian Romances BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS article pdf(362)
2015-12 再讀一次也可以:玉音放送的聲音與技術政治學 YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(244)
2017-04 Biochemical responses to horror, or, ‘why do we like this stuff?’ Pendery, David R.、潘大為 article pdf(401)
2014 Le vertige de l`hyperbole`: Baudelaire, longinus and the poetics of excess SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(274)
2016 Tamkang Review: Foreword YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU、Li, Hung Chiung article web page(535)
2018-01 Spatial conceptualization of sequence time in language and gesture KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai article web page(632)
2016-09 唐詩復得:以許淵冲與胡品清之英譯本互補參照進行對外唐詩教學 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article pdf(727)
2017-11 The Use of a “Think-Pair-Share” Brainstorming Advance Organizer to Prepare Learners to Listen in the L2 Classroom MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU、Lin, Wen-Ling article web page(849)pdf(379)
2016 The Role of French Loanwords in English Vocabulary Instruction MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(407)
2018 The Semantic Extensions of Kill and Killer in Magazine and Newspaper Corpora SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(698)
2018-06 Referential choice in narratives of Mandarin-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder: Form, function, and adequacy WEN-HUI SAHWEN-HUI SAH article pdf(375)
2017 A Corpus-Based Approach to Distinguishing the Near-Synonyms Listen and Hear SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(640)