Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 426-450 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-12 巴拿馬中巴文化中心中山學校 HSUN-HUEI CHANG article web page(412)
2017-02 Language Learning and Focused Trance BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article pdf(381)
2014-08 On Marriage: Off-Skew and Out-of-Center (An Approach via Michel Foucault) BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS article pdf(355)
2010-06 山在虛無縹緲間:臺灣(蓬萊)書院芻議 SHANG-KUAN CHANG article pdf(282)
2017-05 The Fall of Lucifer: A Jungian Perspective from Biblical Source to Medieval Mystery Drama (The Alchemical Transformative Process and Inter-Textual Reading) BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS article pdf(349)
2010-03 阿美族生活圖解小辭典、布農族生活圖解小辭典 = アミ族生活図解小辞典・ブヌン族生活図解小辞典 HSUN-HUEI CHANG article pdf(274)
2015-11 Chinese-English Translation of “Tune: `Lyrics to the Song of Lady Qi`\" by Su Tungpo (1037-1101) MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU book/chapter pdf(360)
2011 A Corpus-based Study of SARS in English News Reporting in Malaysia and in the United Kingdom. SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(490)
2018 The Semantic Extensions of `Killer` in Magazine and Newspaper Corpora SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(542)
2016-06 台灣大學生言語行為之研究: 反對意見表達中的社會地位、語境與語氣設定的作用 栗原祐美、Kurihara, Yumi、SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(451)
2017-10 Invisible Happiness in Dogen THOMAS-JOHN SELLARITHOMAS-JOHN SELLARI article pdf(405)
2000 「咆哮山莊」新詮:朝向一種克莉斯提娃式的閱讀 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(534)
2013-01 以語意特徵比較中文與英文的對譯詞--以「爬」字為例 張捷、Chang, Chieh、SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(313)
2013 中英知識本體與概念隱喻 = 中英知识本体与概念隐喻 SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG、Huang, Chu-Ren article pdf(476)
2001-01 以印度殖民為烏托邦:從「吉姆」看吉普林的帝國認同政治 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(416)
2001-01 異/己東方論述變奏曲:喬瑟夫.康拉德「黑暗之心」再探 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(452)
2018-08 Semantic processing of self-adaptors, emblems, and iconic gestures: An ERP study KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai、JIE-LI TSAI、KAN-YU YEH、KAN-YU YEH、Chao, Pei-Chun article pdf(606)
2017 Directionality of change: Grammatical variation and Do-constructions in Taiwan Mandarin KA-WAI CHUI、Chui, Kawai article pdf(206)
2017-08 台灣初中國語文教科書編寫原則與要素分析——以康軒版為例 張哲 article pdf(598)
2002-01 「記憶失控錯置的擬相」:李昂《自傳の小說》中的記憶與救贖 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(378)
2001-12 在公眾服飾的遮蔽中彰顯的私密真實:以希利雅德於1591年為唐恩所繪的纖細畫像為例 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(341)
2006-09 恆常與無常:論朱天心《古都》中的空間、身體與政治經濟學 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(338)
2006-02 視覺與觸覺的辯證接合:班雅民的閒遊者、視覺衝擊與神經支配 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(364)
2003-01 詭奇的伊莉莎白.築呂:從唐恩的《一週年:對世界的解剖》看文藝復興解剖學的合法性危機 YEN-BIN CHIOU、YEN-BIN CHIOU article pdf(281)
2018 Metaphor in Hakka Proverbs: Linguistic and Cultural Constraints HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling article web page(525)