Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 451-475 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2017-12 中文新詩創作:弔念余光中老師一首與詠巴黎四首 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article pdf(270)pdf(241)
2018-03 Exploring Genre Pedagogy of Learning Transfer in L2 Writing YI-CHUN LIU、Liu, Yichun article pdf(357)
2018 The Plausibility and Implausibility of Using Corpora SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(420)
2018-03 Dai Wang-Shu’s Chinese translation of Paul Verlaine revisited: on the pursuit of optimal fidelity in literary rendition MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(634)pdf(743)
2017-12 權威譯者曾珍珍意外辭世 文學界:全方位翻譯家 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(441)pdf(246)
2017-11 經典從「心」譯 賴慈芸《嘯風山莊》給角色傳神臉孔 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(397)pdf(353)
2017-12 余光中推廣翻譯當志業 堅持 「沒倒下、不會停下」 MIN-HUA WU article web page(406)pdf(222)
2017-12 石刻的泳者──弔念余光中老師 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(437)
1989-10 NTUMT strategy for prepositional-phrase attachment KA-WAI CHUI、Lin, Yia-Ping、Huang, Shuanfan article web page(492)
2019-09 Kristevan Herethics in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(624)
2018-12 剪燭旖色佳:閱讀李有成詩集《迷路蝴蝶》 MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(826)
2018-03 漢詩英譯、法詩漢譯 MIN-HUA WU article pdf(193)
2018-07 The Romance of Transportation in Wordsworth, Emerson, De Quincey, and Dickinson LI-HSIN HSU article web page(473)
2018 Color Terms in Chinese HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling book/chapter pdf(281)
2018-03 CALL from an ecological perspective: How a teacher perceives affordance and fosters learner agency in a technology-mediated language classroom CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO article web page(1365)
2018-06 A Corpus-Based Lexical Semantic Study of Mandarin Verbs: guān關 and bì閉 Lin, Meng-Chieh、SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG conference pdf(402)
2018-09 A Passage from Adam’s Dream to the Cessation of Desire: A Buddhist Reading of John Keats’s ‘Ode to a Nightingale’ LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG article web page(488)
2017-12 Its Beauty, Danger and Feverish Thrill YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(410)
2018-08 AFTER And Its Uses: A Corpus-Based Study SIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(434)
2016-06 An Analysis of Disagreement Speech Act Performed by Taiwanese Undergraduates: Considering Social Status, Context, and Mode of Conversation as Material Setting Factors SIAW-FONG CHUNG article pdf(263)
2013-02 Comparing English-Mandarin Lexical Concepts of CRAWL. SIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(421)
2018-05 Should Cordelia Live or Die? An Examination of Critical Reactions in the Romantic Period to the Ending of William Shakespeare’s King Lear BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS article pdf(276)
2018-04 An Investigation of Prepositions in the Fixed Frame [PREP the NOUN of]: A Corpus-based Study of from, against, among, above, onto, and beside. SIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(421)
2006-09 Derrida``s Deconstruction and the Rhetoric of Proper Genres in Leonardo and Lessing SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(359)
2009-02 Book Review: Metaphor by David Punter, 2007. London and New York: Routledge SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article pdf(173)