Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 551-575 of 603
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-12 “But irony seems to me to dominate life”: The Romantic Longing for Absolute Love in Flaubert’s Madame Bovary SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO article web page(221)
2022-01 Exploring New Passive Construction \"Bei + X\" from the Perspectives of Exemplar Model and Lexical-constructional Approach HUEI-LING LAI、 吳雙羽、Lai, Huei-ling、 Wu, Shuang-yu article web page(181)
2019-12 Foreword for A Special Issue on “Sir Walter Scott: His Worlds and Legacies” LI-HSIN HSU、LI-HSIN HSU、Pittock, Murray article web page(154)
2018-06 Foreword for A Special Issue on “Transatlantic Literary and Cultural Relations, 1776 to the Present” LI-HSIN HSU、LI-HSIN HSU、Taylor, Andrew article web page(128)
2020-11 Voices outside the US (editorial note) LI-HSIN HSU、LI-HSIN HSU article web page(193)
2022-07 Same Boat Different Dates: Comparison of the Development of Syrian and Ukrainian Refugees CHING-AN CHANG、Chang, Chin-an article web page(134)
2022-06 Broken Promises in Northanger Abbey YIH DAU WU、YIH DAU WU article web page(154)
2021-12 《咆嘯山莊》與自然之聲 YIH DAU WU、YIH DAU WU article web page(222)
2022-10 Being a YouTuber that language learners recognize: A study on constructing language teacher identities in social media community of practice CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO article web page(152)
2022-08 Revisiting CALL normalization through a Yin–Yang ecological perspective: A study on teacher intentionality and classroom technology use of a claimed reluctant user CHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAOCHIN-CHI CHAO article web page(171)
2022-01 The Adventure of Technology: Kipling, the Motorcar, and National Regeneration YIN-I CHENYIN-I CHEN article web page(192)
2022-11 A morphosyntactic and morphosemantic analysis of the Malay FEAR lexeme SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG article web page(173)
2022-06 A Move Analysis of Communicative Acts in Petition Text on the Public Policy Participation Network Platform SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG、楊惟婷、謝承諭、Yang, Wei-ting、Hsieh, Chester Chen-yu article web page(203)
2022-07 The Constructions of KIND Metaphors SIAW-FONG CHUNGSIAW-FONG CHUNG、曾瑋庭、Tseng, Weiting article web page(159)
2022-07 Introduction: Syaman Rapongan’s Littoral Gothic and EcoGothic Asia LI-HSIN HSU、LI-HSIN HSU article web page(132)
2022-11 DEMOCRACY in Taiwanese presidential inaugural addresses: Metaphors, source domains, scenarios, and ideologies JYI-SHANE LIUHUEI-LING LAIJYI-SHANE LIU、Lai, Huei-ling、Hsu, Hsiao-Ling article web page(212)
2023-02 Impact of social cognitive propensity on the processing of nontransparent sentential meaning YAO-YING LAI、HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Yao-Ying、Lai, Huei-ling article web page(204)
2022-11 Representing the True Colors of Bai Xian-yong in the English Language: “A Touch of Green” Recounted MIN-HUA WUMIN-HUA WU article web page(157)
2023-01 CLIL在臺灣雙語教育的發展:過去、現在、與未來 YI-PING HUANG、鄒文莉、YI-PING HUANG、Tsou, Wen-Li article web page(260)
2003-01 Comparative Joyce: Joyce as Stylistic Precursor BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article
1995-01 Foreign Language Education and Role Playing Games BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article
1993-03 Imitation in Popular Chinese Movies BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article web page(105)
2006-10 Interactive Drama as Theatre Form BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article web page(159)
1996-08 Interactive Drama: Deconstructing Theatre BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article pdf(33)
2006-07 Revisiting Interactive Drama, Sex, and Issues of Consent and Harrassment BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS、Phillips, Brian David article web page(144)