Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 76-100 of 145
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2016-11 阿拉伯人眼中的「美女」 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(621)
2017-04 阿拉伯世界新民族主義的崛起 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(482)
2016-08 建設另一個自由的「我」 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(416)
2017-04 政治不顧法理 世界亂象根源 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(559)
2017-06 活下去 何妨? HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(804)
2017-09 看見伊斯蘭教義「簡樸、靈活與理性」的真實面 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(763)
2017-07 效忠儀式 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(530)
2017-05 高跟鞋 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(597)
2017-03 穆斯林的情人節 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(517)
2012-03 伊斯蘭蘇非行者(Sufi)近神(Qurbah) 之道 林長寬 article web page(349)
2017-12 新媒體對宗教傳播的影響:以埃及為例 CHING-JEN WANG、CHING-JEN WANG article web page(788)
2018-05 Business Not as Usual: The Rebellion of Syrian Businessmen through the Revolution CHING-AN CHANG、Chang, Yazar Ching-An article pdf(590)
2018-05 İşler Her Zamanki Gibi Değil: Devrim Sürecinde Suriyeli İş Adamlarının Tutumu CHING-AN CHANG、Chang, Yazar Ching-An article pdf(550)
2015-03 The younger generation of Syrian refugees in Turkey: forced to be precocious, but where does their future lie? CHING-AN CHANG、Chang, Yazar Ching-An article pdf(483)
2018 Arabic root extraction using a hybrid technique. Abdeldeen, Mahmoud、TALAB HASAN ABDELDEEN MAHMOUD article web page(807)
2018-03 人文? HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(486)
2018-02 阿拉伯女人創辦世界第一所大學 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(493)
2018-01 矮子與高人 HUEY-TSYR JENG article web page(487)
2010-12 文化全球化背後的伊斯蘭價值觀 HUEY-TSYR JENG book/chapter web page(364)
2019-03 The Unbreakable Link of Syrian State-Business Relationships: Its Impact on Turkey-based Expatriate Syrian Businesspeople CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG article web page(650)
2018-06 The Expatriate Syrian Businessmen in Anti-Assad Political Organizations CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG article
2019-08 Abū al-Faraj ʿAlī b. al-Ḥusayn al-Iṣfahānī, the Author of the Kitāb al-Aghānī I-WEN SU、I-WEN SU article
2019-02 不同的異域 HUEY-TSYR JENGHUEY-TSYR JENG article pdf(212)
2018-10 好人與壞人 HUEY-TSYR JENGHUEY-TSYR JENG article pdf(179)
2019-04 呼嚎谷的記憶 HUEY-TSYR JENGHUEY-TSYR JENG article pdf(228)