Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 376-400 of 692
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-12 Determinants of United Kingdom General Insurance Company Performance YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU article web page(1272)
2004-10 投資風險、離職金設計與公司治理結構 YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、詹家昌、陳光華 article web page(1025)
2014-09 A Fast Monte Carlo Algorithm for Estimating Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall MING-HUA HSIEH、廖偉成、CHUEN-LUNG CHEN、MING-HUA HSIEH、CHUEN-LUNG CHEN、Liao, Wei-Cheng article pdf(1451)
2014-11 現行銀行保險架構下銀行對所屬行員招攬保險之責任分析 JIN-LUNG PENG、JAN-JUY LIN、王映文 article web page(1073)
2010-08 Directors’ & Officers’ Insurance Corporate Governance and Firm Performance TSAI-JYH CHENTSAI-JYH CHENTSAI-JYH CHEN article web page(1115)pdf(1089)
2011-06 International Comparison of Trust Level on Insurance TSAI-JYH CHEN、Jung, Hongjoo、TSAI-JYH CHEN article
2002-12 金融保險機構之動態財務分析與壓力測試(下) YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(616)
2002 勞工退休金制度之革新 YUNG-MING SHIU article web page(709)
2002-09 金融保險機構之動態財務分析與壓力測試(上) YUNG-MING SHIU article web page(764)
2008 Financial Integration and Economies of Scope: A Cross-Industry Analysis of Bancassurance in Taiwan LI-LING WANG article pdf(853)
2010-03 Conversion and Efficiency Performance Changes: Evidence from the U.S Property-Liability Insurance Industry LI-LING WANG、Chen, Lih-Ru、Lai, Gene C article pdf(919)
2007-07 Revisit the Cross-Country Asset Allocation In Long-Term Portfolio Choice SHIH-CHIEH CHANG、黃雅文、萱葳 article pdf(883)
2005-08 Pension Fund Management Using the Markov Chain Approximation SHIH-CHIEH CHANG、Tu, Chang-Ye、CHENG-HSIEN TSAI article pdf(904)
2011-09 Corporate Governance and Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry LI-LING WANG article pdf(984)
2011 Using Reverse Mortages to Hedge Longevity and Financial Risks for Life Insurers: A Generalized Immunization Approach LI-LING WANGMING-HUA HSIEH、Chiu, Yu-fen article pdf(951)
2000 公務人員退休撫卹基金之評價與長期財務檢視 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG、鄭欣怡 article web page(886)
1999 保本型變額壽險之評論:理論與應用 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG、郭怡馨 article web page(839)
2002-06 Allocating Unfunded Liability in Pension Valuation under Uncertaionty SHIH-CHIEH CHANG、Cheng, Hsin-Yi article web page(1889)
2010-10 The impacts of Corporate Governance Structures on Rick Taking by Insurance Companies in Taiwan LI-LING WANG article web page(1018)
2001 Unveil Value at Risk- Approaches and Issues YUNG-MING SHIU article web page(997)
2006-07 隨機投資模型與長期投資避險策略之研究 HONG-CHIH HUANGCHING-SYANG YUE、SHARON S. YANG、黃彥富 article web page(1095)
2014-08 保險業風險管理與財務績效之關係 YUNG-MING SHIU、呂宗勳、林瑞銘 article web page(858)
2015-03 Age-specific copula-AR-GARCH mortality models Lin, T. 、 Wang, Chouwen 、 Tsai, C.C.L.、王昭文 article pdf(1296)
2014-12 Heterogeneity of the Accident Externality from Driving Huang, Rachel J.、Tzeng, Larry Y.、Wang, K.C.、黃瑞卿、曾郁仁 article pdf(768)
2012 The bankruptcy cost of the life insurance industry under regulatory forbearance: An embedded option approach Yang, S.-Y.、Hwang, Y.-W.、Chang, Shih-Chieh Bill、SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article pdf(977)