Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 76-100 of 692
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000-11 保險法中之投資限制對保險業投資績效影響之實證研究 CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、吳佳哲 article
2006-07 Efficiency and Demutualization: Evidence from the U.S. Life Insurance Industry in the 1980s and 1990s SHIH-CHING JENG、Gene C. Lai*、Michael McNamara article
2006 The Maturity Matching of Assets to Liabilities: A Generalized Least Square Formulation HONG-CHIH HUANG、Huang, Hong-Chin 、MING-HUA HSIEH、 Liu, Chia-Chuan article web page(1444)
2004-07 Asymmetric Information Problems in Taiwan`s Automobile Insurance Market LI-LING WANGLI-LING WANG article pdf(1029)
1999 Monitoring Solvency Risk of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System using Simulation-Based Forecast Model SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article
2002-03 從美國企業退休金制度之發展趨勢論台灣勞工退休金制度之改制 LI-LING WANG article pdf(2193)
1999-09 臺灣壽險業關係行銷運用與行銷績效之研究 YAO-LUNG HSIEH article web page(945)
2004-06 癌症醫療費用之推估:馬可夫鏈模型之應用 HONG-CHIH HUANG、林家玉 article pdf(1328)
2004-12 臺灣地區重大傷病醫療費用推估 HONG-CHIH HUANGCHING-SYANG YUE、劉明昌 article pdf(1315)
2000-09 蒙地卡羅方法評估保本型變額保險之利率風險 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG、田嘉蓉、山中康司、Chang,Shih-Chieh、 Tien,Chia-Jung、Yasushi Yamanaka article pdf(854)
1996-10 可信度理論的分析與應用 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article web page(871)
2001-05 銀行跨業兼營保險之模擬分析 CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、王為倩 article
1997-10 退休基金評價及相關問題的研究 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article web page(1023)
2001-11 以效率前緣方法分析退休基金最適委外佣金費率:公務人員退撫基金實證分析 LI-LING WANG、呂璧如 article pdf(1382)
2004-04 我國公務人員退休制度兼採節約儲蓄制度之可行性分析 LI-LING WANG article web page(781)
2004-06 公教人員保險養老給付年金化之可行性 LI-LING WANG article web page(980)
1997-05 脫退率的估計方法 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article web page(877)
2001-11 強制汽車責任保險法之修正建議─論汽車交通事故之界定 JAN-JUY LIN article pdf(1091)
2006-12 An Empirical Study on the Solvency Prediction of Simulation Analysis, Scenario Analysis, and Risk-based Capital CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、宋瑞琳、Fang-Shu Chan article pdf(1494)
2006-01 投資策略、清償能力與分紅保單公平定價之研究 SHARON S. YANG、HONG-CHIH HUANG、黃麗容、Sharon S. Yang 、HONG-CHIH HUANG、 Huang,Li-Long article pdf(999)
2007-06 確定提撥制下退休基金之最適提撥率與最適資產配置 HONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANG article pdf(1082)
2007-04 The Impact of Corporate Governance Structure on Insurance Industry in Taiwan Jennifer L .Wang、SHIH-CHING JENG、Jin-Lung Peng article web page(1045)
1999-03 Optimal Pension Funding Incorporating Stochastic Simulations and Dynamic Programming SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article pdf(1467)
2000-05 壽險保單之存續期間分析 CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、何憲章、鄒治華 article
1994-06 The Effect of Rate Regulation on Information Lag TSAI-JYH CHEN article pdf(1429)