Publications-Periodical Articles

Showing 176-200 of 648
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-09 Corporate Governance and Efficiency: Evidence from the U.S. Property-Liability Insurance Industry LI-LING WANG、Huang,Li-Ying 、Lai,Gene C. 、 McNamara, Michael 、Wang, Jennifer article pdf(1400)
2008-08 Demutualization and Demand for Reinsurance LI-LING WANG、Vincent Y. Chang、GENE C.LAI LAI、曾郁仁、Chen,Lih-Ru、JIN-LUNG PENG、 Jennifer L. Wang article web page(1494)
2008 Financial Integration and Economies of Scope: An Cross-industry Analysis of the Banking Industry in Taiwan Chen,Lih-Ru、JIN-LUNG PENG、 Jennifer L. Wang、陳麗如、JIN-LUNG PENG、LI-LING WANG article pdf(1257)
2007-07 Pricing and Implementation of Longevity Bonds in Taiwan LI-LING WANG、SHARON S. YANG、LI-LING WANG、SHARON S. YANG article pdf(1082)
2006-02 Intertemporal Stable Pension Funding 繆震宇、LI-LING WANG、Miao, Jerry C.Y. 、LI-LING WANG article pdf(1254)
2004-03 產險業顧客購買行為初探 YAO-LUNG HSIEH article web page(781)
2005-06 責任保險在侵權損害賠償制度上之功能 TSAI-JYH CHEN article pdf(1929)
2002-12 臺灣產險業資本要求有效性之模擬研究 CHENG-HSIEN TSAI article pdf(1280)
2004 Valuation and Hedging of Limited Price Indexation (LPI) Liability HONG-CHIH HUANG、Huang,H.-C.、Cairns,A.J.G article pdf(1319)
2006-06 董監事暨重要職員責任保險之需求因素分析 TSAI-JYH CHEN、龐嘉慧 article web page(1207)
2008 由國際金融集團資本適足規範論我國金融控股公司資本監理制度 JIN-LUNG PENG、JAN-JUY LIN、邱虹元 article pdf(1332)
1995-03 簡易貝氏方法估計契約損失個數:主觀與經驗的綜合 SHIH-CHIEH CHANG article pdf(854)
2003-06 我國過失侵權行為與責任保險人身傷害賠償之分析 TSAI-JYH CHEN article web page(1206)
2011.06 Impact of Tick-Size Reduction on Intraday Patterns of Market Liquidity YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、 Lin,Ching-Chung 、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(1168)
2011.06 台灣銀行業多角化經營對績效的影響 邱美菁 、YUNG-MING SHIU、 陳寧馨、Chiu, Mei-Ching 、YUNG-MING SHIU、 Chen, Ning-Hsin article pdf(1035)
2010.09 Tick-Size Change and Spread Components on the Taiwanese Stock Market YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、 Lin, Ching-Chung 、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(1251)
2011.02 Pinpoint and Synergistic Trading Strategies of Candlesticks YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(1273)
2010.06 Derivative Hedging and Insurer Solvency: Evidence from Taiwan YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(1204)
2011.04 Reinsurance and Capital Structure: Evidence from the United Kingdom Non-Life Insurance Industry YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU article pdf(1227)
2012.04 Profitable Candlestick Trading Strategies-The Evidence from a New Perspective YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、 Liu, Tsung-Chi article pdf(1474)
2010.06 What Motivates Banks to use Derivatives: Evidence from Taiwan YUNG-MING SHIU、YUNG-MING SHIU、 Moles, Peter 、 Shin, Yi-Cheng article pdf(1655)
2013-05 A Feasible Natural Hedging Strategy for Insurance Companies HONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANG、 Hong, De-Chuan article pdf(1378)
2013-03 Mortality Modeling with Non-Gaussian Innovations and Applications to the Valuation of Longevity Swaps HONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANGHONG-CHIH HUANG、 Liu,I-Chien article pdf(1346)
2012-12 兩岸人身保險利益法制研析與建議 陳俞沛、林建智、Chen, Yu-Pei 、JAN-JUY LIN article pdf(754)
2012-11 中醫師醫療業務責任保險之相關法律問題 陳俞沛 、JAN-JUY LIN、Chen, Yu-Pei 、JAN-JUY LIN article pdf(1057)