Publications-Research Reports

Showing 1-24 of 24
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007 Behavioral Assays in Monkeys - Narcotic Drug and Opioid Peptide Basic Research (IV) Ko MC(柯美全)、Woods JH report
2008 Behavioral Effects of NOP Receptor Agonists in Monkeys Ko MC(柯美全)、Woods JH report
2007 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (I) Ko MC(柯美全)、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2008 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (II) Ko MC(柯美全)、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2009 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (III), Ko MC(柯美全)、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2007 Effects of MrgX1 and MrgX2 Agonists on Nociception Ko MC(柯美全)、Woods JH report
2007 Effects of Novel NMDA Antagonists on Drug-Induced Seizures and Lethality in Mice Ko MC(柯美全) report
2008 Evaluation in Primates of Cocaine Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Toxicity (I) Ko MC(柯美全)、Collins GT report
2009 Evaluation of HuMNAC13 Analgesic Effect in a Rhesus Model of Inflammatory Pain Ko MC(柯美全) report
2007 Evaluation of the Behavioral Effects of Systemic Administration of a Compound Developed by Ingenium in Rhesus Monkeys Ko MC(柯美全) report
2008 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (I) Ko MC(柯美全) report
2009 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (II) Ko MC(柯美全) report
2007 Studies of Combined Mu/ORL Molecules in Monkeys Ko MC(柯美全) report
2007 Effects of Novel NMDA Antagonists on Drug-Induced Seizures and Lethality in Mice Ko MC、柯美全 report
2008 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (II) Ko MC、柯美全、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2008 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (I) Ko MC、柯美全 report
2008 Behavioral Effects of NOP Receptor Agonists in Monkeys Ko MC、柯美全、Woods JH report
2008 Evaluation in Primates of Cocaine Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Toxicity (I) Ko MC、柯美全、Collins GT report
2009 Development of Esterases for the Treatment of Cocaine Overdose and Abuse (III), 柯美全、Ko MC、Sunahara RK、Woods JH report
2009 Evaluation of HuMNAC13 Analgesic Effect in a Rhesus Model of Inflammatory Pain Ko MC、柯美全 report
2009 Pharmacological Studies of NOP Receptor Agonists as Novel Analgesics (II) Ko MC、柯美全 report
2009 Evaluation in Primates of Cocaine Esterase for the Treatment of Cocaine Toxicity (II) Ko MC、柯美全 report
2010 98學年度第2學期通識教育課程計畫-生活中的生命科學 CHIH-CHANG CHAO report
2021-09 大腦與我 -現代科技之教學應用 GUEY-JEN LAI、GUEY-JEN LAI report pdf(11)
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